Despitwle nation wide ban imposed by #Taliban regime, some girls are still able to go to #Private schools in #Afghanistan.
The Taliban regime seems to be looking the other way and not stopping the few private schools in #Heeat that are still open.
Since over a year and a half, #education above 6th grade has been blocked for female students in all public schools.
They don't seem to be any indication from the fanatics in charge of the education ministry in Afghanistan to change their mind and allow the girl schools to open once again, even with push from the UN, Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan and Japan who are willing to pay for the operation of those schools under supervision of the Taliban regime.
#Education #WomensRights #Politics #PrivateSchools
با شروع شدن سال جدید تعلیمی شماری از مکاتب #خصوصی دخترانه بالاتر از صنف ششم در #هرات به روی دختران باز است و دختران همه روزه دروس خود را ادامه میدهند.
منابع می گویند که مکاتب تحت چوکات کورس فعالیت خود را به پیش می برند و فیس تحصیلی کامل را اخذ می نمایند.
مکاتب دولتی دخترانه بالاتر از صنف ششم مسدود است، و شاگردان آنجا بیش از یک و نیم سال می شود که مکتب نرفتند.