

Labour's vision for the NHS is getting grim

As #Labour tries to please both #private and public interests, its policies for the #NHS are in danger of costing a lot and achieving little

Labour’s seeming preoccupation with ensuring the private sector benefits in some way from any investment in the NHS, is incongruent with both the #healthcare crisis and any sense of #economic prudence.


#SaveOurNHS #corruption #LabourLies #LabourIsNot


#ceylon #News
how to set up a #private #trust, trust #law, monitored to death & can you reverse aging?
10.13 Trust Law
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…how to set up a private trust, trust law, monitored to death & can you reverse aging?


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segu.win a #friendica server from Croatia
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bbsxx.com a #mastodon server from Germany
badmofo.cc a #mastodon server from United States
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feitosa.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
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social.bahamut.dev a #mastodon server from Germany
social.staminaonline.com a #gotosocial server from Private
pleroma.kzkr.xyz a #pleroma server from Private
live.themewniverse.net a #owncast server from United States
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peertube.jimchen.me a #peertube server from United States
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spujb.masto.host a #mastodon server from France
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bjork.gay a #sharkey server from Private
bbsxx.com a #mastodon server from Germany
ice.spinny.cat a #iceshrimp server from France
segu.win a #friendica server from Croatia
the.kenphused.cafe a #mastodon server from
badmofo.cc a #mastodon server from United States
video.pavel-english.ru a #peertube server from Russia
msky.perofuji.com a #misskey server from Private
neurario.com a #nodebb server from Australia
social.staminaonline.com a #gotosocial server from Private
beetle.gruenelin.de a #iceshrimp server from Germany
social.bahamut.dev a #mastodon server from Germany
stonx.social a #gotosocial server from Private
feitosa.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
pleroma.kzkr.xyz a #pleroma server from Private
live.themewniverse.net a #owncast server from United States
video.europalestine.com a #peertube server from Switzerland
peertube.jimchen.me a #peertube server from United States
k-pop.22x22.ru a #peertube server from Russia
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spujb.masto.host a #mastodon server from France
anarkitty.pet a #sharkey server from United States
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Ein schwank aus meinem direkten sozialen umfeld. #nonmention

Es ist nicht nur vorteilhaft in der heutigen zeit privat krankenversichert zu sein.

Ein freund hat durch einen unglücklichen sturz einen bänderriss im handgelenk. Das ist ungeil, es schränkt ihn ein und es schmerz sicherlich auch nach wie vor immer wieder.

Also machte er sich auf die suche nach diagnostik und behandlung.

Da er privatversichert ist, war das mit der diagnostik in einem radiologizentrum binnen tagen zu managen. So weit so cool.

Daraufhin die suche nach einem arzt (chirurgen?) der das behandeln kann.

Mittlerweile ist er beim zweiten krankenhaus und einem ambulanten chirurgen "abgeblitzt" mit aussagen wie:

Das CT ist uns nicht ausreichend, da muss noch kontrastmittel ran.

Ambulant würde er das nicht machen.

Und die dritte option, das zweite krankenhaus, bot zwar binnen tagesfrist einen termin an... zu dem aber der zur behandlung ausersehene chefarzt(!) garkeine zeit hatte.

Also durfte er sich heute einige stunden mit den schwestern und co abplagen, ohne ein wirkliches ergebnis zu haben.

Das beste daran, der besagte chefarzt geht jetzt ende der woche erstmal 2 wochen in den urlaub .. und danach sind natürlich auch erstmal alle chirugietermine ausgebucht.

ABER! Du kriegst als privatpatient so schnell wie möglich erstmal einen termin....

Ob ich da jetzt wirklich tauschen möchte als armutsbetroffene person in der grundsätzlichen krankenkasse....

Ich weiss es doch auch nicht.

#2Klassenmedizin #Private #Krankenversicherung #RandomShit


enter image description here
This is said to be a rare footage from an unknown #private #film collection archive, that supposedly shows objects and ancient devices that were discovered and then taken away during the Nazi expeditions in #Egypt and #Antarctica, and which are still shrouded in secrecy.

I do know for a fact that many artifacts have been looted in previous wars but I have never seen anything like this before, it will be very interesting to hear how they will explain this.



Despitwle nation wide ban imposed by #Taliban regime, some girls are still able to go to #Private schools in #Afghanistan.

The Taliban regime seems to be looking the other way and not stopping the few private schools in #Heeat that are still open.

Since over a year and a half, #education above 6th grade has been blocked for female students in all public schools.

They don't seem to be any indication from the fanatics in charge of the education ministry in Afghanistan to change their mind and allow the girl schools to open once again, even with push from the UN, Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan and Japan who are willing to pay for the operation of those schools under supervision of the Taliban regime.

#Education #WomensRights #Politics #PrivateSchools

با شروع شدن سال جدید تعلیمی شماری از مکاتب #خصوصی دخترانه بالاتر از صنف ششم در #هرات به روی دختران باز است و دختران همه روزه دروس خود را ادامه میدهند.

منابع می گویند که مکاتب تحت چوکات کورس فعالیت خود را به پیش می برند و فیس تحصیلی کامل را اخذ می نمایند.

مکاتب دولتی دخترانه بالاتر از صنف ششم مسدود است، و شاگردان آنجا بیش از یک و نیم سال می شود که مکتب نرفتند.


#Telegram is #private, except when asked nicely. Then it spills names, phone numbers and IPs.

We know what the Indian court got; we know also, that Roskomnadzor praised #telegram for its willingness to cooperate. We know, that in Belarus it was the one suspiciously not blocked by internal security forces; we know current sad state of Belarussian opposition.

#privacy #data #pii #India #Belarus
Telegram по решению суда раскрыл имена, номера и IP-адреса админов каналов