

Isaac Asimov was well ahead of this

This is far subsequent to Isaac Asimov's method of singing biochemistry compounds to music, at one point of which he confessed to singing to the tune of The Irish Washerwoman. #AnIntelligentMansGuideToScience #IsaacAsimov

Ether Diver - 2023-09-27 20:02:41 GMT

Ever wish you could learn more science, but get stymied by the fact that the lessons are never backed up by charmingly melodic instrumental electronic pop? Well, Roaming Mosaics’ (aka @s ) Scientific Cathedral has the solution. Pairing a processed spoken word vocal about exotic matter and high-energy objects in space with a breezy electronic instrumental will have you floating along on a cloud of knowledge (and interstellar matter) in no time.https://roamingmosaics.bandcamp.com/track/scientific-cathedral

#Music #BandcampFriday


#IsaacAsimov, l' #étrange #testament du #père des #robots | #ARTE

Considéré comme l’un des maîtres de la #science-fiction, Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) a exploré des thématiques futuristes qui font écho aux grands défis actuels. Quel message d’espoir a-t-il à nous livrer ?
#Documentaire de Mathias Théry (France, 2020, 55mn) Disponible jusqu'au 04/12/2022



Apple’s Foundation starts out big, lavish, and a little boring

I've just freshly finished reading the entire Foundation series in anticipation of this series, and so far I'm pretty disappointed with the first episode. As it started, I was wondering if it was the same book...
In the books Gaal Dornick, apart from being a man, is already freshly qualified as a full Doctor. The actress here looks like she is only in her teens. The very first scene about the Vault with the kids trying to approach, I don't recall in any of the books. I seem to recall the whole lead up to the meeting of Dr Seldon very differently, with Gaal first visiting the top of the metal dome. The dome and the weather management does not seem to have featured yet.

So yes it appears so far to be a loose adaptation, and I'll have to see if I get to love it... But I can really recommend reading the books which obviously are able to give a lot more background detail, and to me, seem to have more to the point dialogue and even a faster pace...

See Apple’s Foundation starts out big, lavish, and a little boring

#foundation #isaacasimov #appletv #scifi


A slow start for the sci-fi epic.
