


David Revoy - 2024-05-30 15:46:25 GMT

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!Blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1030/debian-12-kde-plasma-2024-install-guide

#linux #x11 #wayland #debian #fedora #krita #plasma #kde
Photo of my workplace with two monitors and a graphics tablet with a built-in monitor (XPPen Artist Pro 16 Gen2) while working on a Mini Fantasy Theater episode a week ago. My cat Noutti is watching the camera from his usual place near my desk.


How to Install KDE Plasma in Ubuntu, Debian and Mint: Because you have Choices

Linux KDE desktop showing a taskbar along the bottom . The left side of the desktop is showing a window pane with a selection of different widgets to install e.g. for Activities, Application Menu, Audio Volume, etc. To the right side is the colourful desktop background in orange, blue and grey colours.
KDE Plasma (KDE) is a well-known desktop environment for Unix-like systems designed for users who want to have a nice desktop environment for their machines, it is one of the most used desktop interfaces out there.

Linux distros usually ship with one main desktop environment, but you can install others without reinstalling the distro. I have Manjaro KDE as my distro, but I also have Gnome desktop installed on it as an alternative desktop, and I can switch between them from the login screen. This is because the underlying Linux kernel across all the distros is the same one. The distros just add their choice of desktop, theming and apps on top.

The key thing is to be sure you install all the dependencies it expects to find, and the linked article below will show how to do that.

See tecmint.com/install-kde-plasma…
#Blog, #KDE, #linux, #opensource, #technology


I can finally say I've upgraded successfully to #Fedora40. It was not without hassle this time and it started with what seemed to be a system that did not even give me a prompt after #rebooting, although the update process had seemed to go smoothly and quickly. Luckily, the virtual screens were working and so I could #login to a #shell. Although #sddm didn't seem to be working, #kdm was and so I was able to open a desktop session, but only in #Gnome. There were still problems running #kde #programs such as #konsole and #korganizer as some #qt #libraries were missing. Installing those allowed the programs to run. Also, no #audio devices were being detected and so I couldn't play any clips, etc.

Today I found that #kwin was also lacking a library (#qtsensors) and so after that was installed and I rebooted the machine, I found that sddm was working again and so I could log in to the #kde session that I usually do. Also, the #sound issue was solved by removing the directory #wireplumber from ~/.local/state.

#GNU #Linux #Fedora #F40 #FreeSoftware


KDE MegaRelease 6

"KDE’s next mega release is here! With Plasma 6, our technology stack has undergone two major upgrades: a transition to the latest version of our application framework, Qt, and a migration to the modern Linux graphics platform, Wayland."


#kde #desktop #linux #opensource #free #software #qt6 #wayland