

I can finally say I've upgraded successfully to #Fedora40. It was not without hassle this time and it started with what seemed to be a system that did not even give me a prompt after #rebooting, although the update process had seemed to go smoothly and quickly. Luckily, the virtual screens were working and so I could #login to a #shell. Although #sddm didn't seem to be working, #kdm was and so I was able to open a desktop session, but only in #Gnome. There were still problems running #kde #programs such as #konsole and #korganizer as some #qt #libraries were missing. Installing those allowed the programs to run. Also, no #audio devices were being detected and so I couldn't play any clips, etc.

Today I found that #kwin was also lacking a library (#qtsensors) and so after that was installed and I rebooted the machine, I found that sddm was working again and so I could log in to the #kde session that I usually do. Also, the #sound issue was solved by removing the directory #wireplumber from ~/.local/state.

#GNU #Linux #Fedora #F40 #FreeSoftware


Open KDE Konsole named Profiles, with own identification and a custom command, using a keyboard shortcut

Open Konsole named Profiles, with own identification and a custom command, using a keyboard shortcut

This solves a problem I had with wanting to quickly start up a Distrobox container using a shortcut key, but also being able to differentiate it visually from my normal Konsole terminal screen I’d use on Manjaro Linux. It is extremely quick and the named Konsole Profile has a different colour as well as a different window title bar. I needed this as my Starship custom prompt was not playing ball with showing the change of OS properly (it could do so, but the formatting broke all the time). This method I describe here is solid, and works irrespective of the prompt.

I thought this was worth sharing as firstly I could find no search results showing how to do this, and secondly, it can actually be applied for purposes other than just starting a Distrobox container. Any terminal command can be used. It is also a useful way to actually use these named Profiles that Konsole has in KDE Plasma.

My video also gives a taste of what Distrobox does, so if you’re interested further in Distrobox I have also included a link below my video, to a Distrobox overview video by someone else.

Watch https://youtu.be/g7x_ngYtj6
#Blog, #distrobox, #Konsole, #linux, #opensource, #technology