

Does anyone have experience with PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)?

I'm thinking of turning #KindMind into a PWA, so it can be used on the web and on iOS (right now the app is only available on Android)

KindMind on f-droid: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.sunyata.kindmind/

(A third option could be #flutter)

KindMind doesn't need network connectivity, or notifications. It only have to use local storage to save the relation between - and frequency of - feelings and needs

#pwa #programming #SoftwareDevelopment


In the current sprint i'm working on KindMind, which is a self-empathy app for android: https://codeberg.org/fswb/kindmind/projects/2916

I want to extend the app so that it includes empathy for other people also. And some other changes are planned as well

I'm also considering moving from the android platform that i've been using to instead create a web app (in javascript). I see advantages and disadvantages with this

I've created a chat room here that you can join if you like:

#kind-mind #KindMind #software #fswb #empathy #self-empathy