

Dave2D has thoughts on the Framework modular laptop - https://youtu.be/jmgBwMHpP1w

FIRST: I love the Framework repairability/disassemble-ability/modularity concept. I agree with Dave on that. Now with that out of the way, to Dave's question about my thoughts, what could Framework do to maybe better their chance in the market:

Maybe Framework can design a cheaper device, heck use the same chassis if they like, and fit in an Atom/Pentium-M processor, 4GBs of DDR4 RAM, a 256GB eMMC, have two expansion ports instead of four, and then sell it at Netbook prices...

Maybe not even a Pentium-M motherboard; how about a Raspberry Pi, or something Arduino-based.

Scrounge up some contracts with elementary or junior-high schools... Just to get the volume pricing for the modular parts... And maybe even prepare an upgrade path for the "netbook" packages, where you can upgrade the internals into a "real", "competent/usable" laptop...


More details on the Framework laptop: https://frame.work/

#RightToRepair #PlannedObsolescence #Repairability #Modularity #ConsumerElectronics #Laptop #Konsumtivisme / #fz_webVideos