


My Asus eeePC still rocks in 2024 (with MX Linux)

Long long ago, in a galaxy far ... Nah. Back in 2010, I got myself a netbook. It was an Asus eeePC thing, small, robust, lovely, and reasonably priced. Fast forward a good decade, I've used it everywhere. Inside and outside, in rough outdoor conditions, and it's survived a dozen business trips with pride. Practical use, too, including mail, browsing, music, videos, writing books, everything you can imagine.

Over the years, though, its tiny, super-ancient processor started lagging behind the (mostly unnecessary) growth in computing demands for ordinary things. My last endeavor with this box was around 2019. I installed MX Linux 18 on it, and this fine, frugal distro gave it a fresh breath of life and relevance. I wasn't sure how much longer the system would receive updates, and what to do once that episode ended. Well, as it turns out, just when I thought it might be time to retire the eeePC, it snapped its red clamshell cover and shouted: I ain't dead yet. Well, let's talk about it, shall we?

#asus #linux #gnu #mxlinux #eeepc #netbook #laptop


Replacement disk for my crashed drive have arrived. Now have to replace the old one and try to debug it to see if I can salvage my data.

Going to install Linux as main system on it. I am not sure what distro I should install. Used to have Mint and it is pretty easy and familiar interface, but I will look around and see for better alternative.

#Linux #Laptop #PC #SSD #NVME #France


I recently bought a #Wacom #DrawingTablet for my #Laptop. As with other #Hardware or #Peripherals that has been around for a while, there is no need to download and #drivers for it under #GNU #Linux as it's detected automatically and everything just works without any fuss. #Programs such as #Xournal++ detect variations in #PenPressure and draws lines of varying thickness depending upon it. It's taking practice but the results are quite precise in terms of position too. This will make both note taking and calculations during seminars much better.

#Fedora #KDE #KDE6


Hallo liebe Bubble hier in der #Fediverse. Aus GrĂŒnden suche ich fĂŒr mich einen neuen Laptop. Und dieses Mal tatsĂ€chlich einen fĂŒr Dualboot mit Windows/Linux, da ich ungefĂ€hr alle zwei Monate fĂŒr genau eine Windowsapplikation dieses Microsoft Dingens benötige. Ja, ja ich weiß und nein, es gibt leider keine Alternative unter Linux und mit Wine habe ich es auch schon erfolglos getestet. 😬

Also gesucht wird ein Laptop, der folgende AnsprĂŒche erfĂŒllt:

- Laufzeit auf mehrere Jahre ausgelegt, da ich meine Laptops so lange wie möglich nutze
- Genutzte Software: Browser, Mail und LibreOffice
- Benutzung einer USB-C Dockingstation von Lenovo fĂŒr den Betrieb von zwei Monitoren
- Display 14 Zoll (oder grĂ¶ĂŸer, je nach Preis)
- Lange Akkulaufzeit
- Kein "Geficke" beim Installieren von div. Linux Distributionen

- Billigste Windows-Lizenz, die möglich ist.

Keine Ahnung, worauf man heute bei einem Kauf eines Laptops fĂŒr Privat achten sollte? Es muss keine Kiste mit dem neuesten Scheiß sein, sollte aber auch keine billigste Hardware sein, die nach drei Jahren nicht mehr zu nutzen ist.

Deswegen brauche ich die UnterstĂŒtzung der Weltbesten #Fedinauten ever.
Welche Laptops (Hersteller/Modell) sind zu empfehlen?
Welche Onlineshops sind empfehlenswert?

Gerne darf diese Frage geteilt werden. 😉

#Laptop #Hardware #Linux #Windows #Dualboot #AskFedi #FragDasFediverse @askFedi_de group


Framework #Laptop 13 To See A #RISC-V #Motherboard Option

source: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Framework-Laptop-RISC-V-Board

"This Mainboard is extremely compelling, but we want to be clear that in this generation, it is focused primarily on enabling developers, tinkerers, and hobbyists to start testing and creating on RISC-V. The peripheral set and performance aren’t yet competitive with our Intel and AMD-powered Framework Laptop Mainboards. This board also has soldered memory and uses #MicroSD cards and #eMMC for storage, both of which are limitations of the processor. It is a great way to start playing with RISC-V though inside of a thin, light, refined laptop. The Mainboard will be able to drop into any Framework Laptop 13 chassis or into the Cooler Master Mainboard Case. DeepComputing is also working closely with the teams at Canonical and #RedHat to ensure Linux support is solid through #Ubuntu and #Fedora."

#cpu #hardware #news #linux #foss #floss


Someone at work had an extra monitor (HP, as it happens) and so I asked if he wouldn't mind if I could have it for my office. Now when I get to work, I can plug in my #laptop and I have an extra monitor for doing stuff, similar to at home. Of course with #GNU #Linux, there's no fuss about compatibility as long as it's a standard connection (which is #HDMI in this case).

#Fedora #ItJustWorks


Very interesting: World’s first RISC-V #Laptop gets a MASSIVE upgrade and equips with #Ubuntu

DeepComputing partners with Canonical to unveil a huge boost to the DC-ROMA RISC-V Laptop family

The DC-ROMA RISC-V Laptop II is the world’s first RISC-V laptop pre-installed and powered by Ubuntu, which is one of the most popular #Linux distributions in the world, providing developers with an outstanding mix of usability and reliability, as well as a rich ecosystem with security and support.


#RISC_V #Computers #Hardware


I have a proposal for #Laptop manufacturers.

The "Fn" key should be placed randomly on the keyboard, it should be different for every brand and type produced, so users can not easy switch between two laptops without activating unwanted actions or fucking get insane!


I broke my old laptop and bought a similar one that came with the surprising touchscreen.

Tried to sell the old one for repair, but the highest bid I got was 70 euros

Decided to sell it in pieces, sold the NVME SSD, External battery, internal battery and french Azerty keyboard separately and they are all gone, I have got 78 euros and still have the screen and couple of other pieces for sale. So I am guessing I will end up going even and got my memory upgraded to 32GB and dual front camera and touchscreen as bonus.

It's amazing how happy people are buying them at "low cost" compared to new specially the guy who bought the international battery andi helped him replace the old one for free (got a cup of coffee for the work), he even sent me a tank you note after he left for family vacation with the my 2 old batteries that last about 6h on his laptop (compared to less than 2 that he was getting before.

And for me, I no longer feel bad about breaking my old computer:) I really wish the guy who bought the keyboard had a QWERTY keyboard so we could exchange. But his keyboard was German which is harder for me to use than the Azerty one I have right now.

#Recycle #Reuse #Laptop #France #Leboncoin