

Speech by Kenya ambassador to UN condemning Russian actions agains Ukraine


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“Mr President, this situation echoes our history. Kenya and almost every African country was birthed by the ending of an empire. Our borders are not of our own drawings. They were drawn in the distant colonial metropoles of London, Paris and Lisbon with no regard for the ancient nations that they cleaved apart.

At independence, had we chosen to pursue on the basis of ethnic, racial or religious homogeneity, we would still be waging bloody wars these many decades later. Instead, we agreed that we would settle for the borders that we inherited, but we would still pursue continental political, economic and legal integration rather than form nations that looked ever backwards into history with a dangerous nostalgia.

Kenya is not only concerned by Russia's move, but also by the trend in the last few decades of powerful states, including members of this Security Council, breaching international law with little regard. Multilateralism, the process of organising relations between groups of states, is lying on its deathbed. It has been assaulted today, as it has been by other powerful states in the recent past.

We urge against dangerous nostalgia for past borders, and Russia's moves breaches the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

We must complete our recovery from the embers of dead empires in a way that does not plunge us back into new forms of domination and oppression.”

~ UN ambassador for Kenya, Martin Kimani, in speech at emergency UN Security Council session. (Paraphrased)

#fz_webVideos / #Ukraine #Russia #geopolitics


Some semirelated links:

🎥 https://yewtu.be/v0V_zkng4go “How Crypto will Change the World (or Not)” - New Johnny Harris video published just yesterday, in which he role-plays a crypto-skeptic and also a crypto-optimist, then proceeds to debate with himself on whether or not all this crypto stuff (including web3, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies) are bullshit or not.

🦄 https://thewebisfucked.com/ - A curmudgeon complains about the Web and Gives Up on Everything™. Yes the World Wide Web is Fucked (by his reckoning), and this includes web1, web2, and the upcoming web3.

/ #fz_links #fz_webVideos / #web3 #NFT #crypto #cryptocurrencies #BlockchainTech #ConsumerWeb #CommercialWeb


Mike Rugnetta, of the defunct PBS Idea Channel, has started making new videos again:
▶️ https://vimeo.com/589612657

He specifically does not promise that he will be making more than the two (2) he has already published (at Vimeo, Patreon, and YouTube), but he has begun preproduction work (including writing scripts, collecting B-rolls, research etc.) on at least three more.

I look forward to his future videos. No pressure though, absolutely none whatsoever.



Dave2D has thoughts on the Framework modular laptop - https://youtu.be/jmgBwMHpP1w

FIRST: I love the Framework repairability/disassemble-ability/modularity concept. I agree with Dave on that. Now with that out of the way, to Dave's question about my thoughts, what could Framework do to maybe better their chance in the market:

Maybe Framework can design a cheaper device, heck use the same chassis if they like, and fit in an Atom/Pentium-M processor, 4GBs of DDR4 RAM, a 256GB eMMC, have two expansion ports instead of four, and then sell it at Netbook prices...

Maybe not even a Pentium-M motherboard; how about a Raspberry Pi, or something Arduino-based.

Scrounge up some contracts with elementary or junior-high schools... Just to get the volume pricing for the modular parts... And maybe even prepare an upgrade path for the "netbook" packages, where you can upgrade the internals into a "real", "competent/usable" laptop...


More details on the Framework laptop: https://frame.work/

#RightToRepair #PlannedObsolescence #Repairability #Modularity #ConsumerElectronics #Laptop #Konsumtivisme / #fz_webVideos