

Very interesting (and not funny). A historian & Constitutional framer speak to the vagaries of the Constitution on #SCROTUS

Yes! The Constitution Allows Changes to the Supreme Court – and Other Surprises with Lawrence Goldstone

When they’re in Philadelphia, there were certain hot button issues. One of them was slavery and one of them was commerce. But one of them, and one of the most controversial items they had to deal with was a national court system. Every state, as I said, had its own functioning judiciary. They didn’t want to give up power to a federal court system, but yet everyone knew they needed a Supreme Court. But a court system, if you believe that you were a citizen of a state and went to a district court, a federal court in a different state, it would be like trying to stand in judgment before foreigners. And so this became during ratification, this became one of the most controversial aspects. Here they are trying to figure out how they can have a court without a court system. So Article III ended up having only six paragraphs.

Interesting focus on Article III (short and vague) and providing #ContextAndPerspective on how the states were prodded into signing

#LawrenceGoldstone #Constitution #SCOTUS #ArticleIII #UShistory #history #Judiciary