

Nuclear Pits

Orwellian naming, the organization in charge of maintaining the nuclear bombs that can (are) killing the planet is named as if it were in charge of safely de-commissioning the bombs and their industry: "National Nuclear Safety Administration". It would be great if there was an organization in charge of getting rid of nuclear bombs and that it wasn't wasteful, abusive, and mismanaged....

NNSA is a semiautonomous branch of the Department of Energy tasked with maintaining the potency of the U.S. nuclear deterrent. NNSA is also described by the GAO as an agency “at high risk of fraud, financial waste, abuse, and mismanagement”.

Lost in all the nuclear equations, appropriations and performance scandals is the consideration that the U.S. is treaty bound by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968, to reduce and eventually eliminate its nuclear arsenal, as are the other nuclear armed signatories of the NPT.

Should President Biden and the 118th Congress decide to adhere to its nuclear treaty obligation to reduce nuclear weapons, save hundreds of billions of dollars and avoid the renewal of a nuclear arms race it has embarked upon, then defunding the NNSA’s plutonium pit bomb projects at #LosAlamos and #SavannahRiverSite is the perfect first step.

Plutonium Pit Bomb Plans Excoriated by General Accounting Office by Mark Muhich

#MarkMuhich #Plutonium #CounterPunchMagazine #NPT #NonProliferationTreaty #NoNukes #NNSA #NationalNuclearSafetyAdministration