

The lights have been on at a #Massachusetts #school for over a year because no one can turn them off

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lights-massachusetts-school-year-no-one-can-turn-rcna65611

The lighting system was installed at #Minnechaug Regional High School when it was built over a decade ago and was intended to save #money and #energy. But ever since the #software that runs it failed on Aug. 24, 2021, the lights in the #Springfield suburbs school have been on continuously, costing taxpayers a small fortune.


“After many weeks of effort, we were provided a rough estimate in excess of $1.2 Million to comparably replace the entire system,” ...

God said: "Let there be light!", but Jesus did not find the switch. At that school, the problem was the other way around.

#bug #fail #problem #tax #news #education #technology