Der Komet Elenin wurde 2010 entdeckt, hat für Weltuntergangspanik gesorgt und hat ein Jahr später aufgehört zu existieren. 🎙️#Astronomie #Universum #Sternengeschichten #Astrodicticum #Sterne #Komet #Elenin #LeonidElenin #C2010X1Elenin #Weltuntergang #2012 #Maya-Prophezeiung #Sonne #ExctinctionLevelEvent #Nibiru #BraunerZwerg #Koma #Kometenschweif #OortscheWolke #Kultur
Sternengeschichten: Der verschwundene Weltuntergangskomet
On March 22, 2022, ufologist Scott C. Waring published an article on his blog claiming the presence of a dark, spherical object near the Sun in images captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on March 10th and 14th, 2022. #nibiru #ufo #ovni
♾🙏 #Galactic Special #Forces 22 - June9 2023 - Karleen, Andre 🙏♾
♾🙏 #Philidelphia #Experiment / #Montauk #Project #Shutdown, #Nibiru Lockout Of Our #Universe Plus More 🙏♾
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“#NASA always denies #Nibiru’s existence. But they have been hiding the planet for decades. Do you believe everything NASA says? For some reason, they don’t want anyone on Earth to know about it. But it’s there.” #Space #Apocalypse #EndTimes #WeeklyWorldWednesday