experimental soup mug puddings
I've started experimenting with pudding recently. It began with a couple of tablespoons of almond meal, some cocoa, honey, soy milk and a drip of hemp oil. In a soup mug in the microwave for 90 or so seconds and it's quite good. Especially with a few chips of chocolate and some ice cream.
That morphed into almond and coconut flour with cocoa and some unsweetened cranberries for tang. I quite like that one.
Oil is great for omega 3 but calorie dense, cue some ground chia and hot water in place of the oil and soy milk. At this point I added a tiny bit of cayenne due to extant cayenne fetish. No
To try to turn it into something a little bit savoury for breakfast, it's now home made LSA (the vegan thing, not acid) with ground chia, pepitas and hemp, a mashed banana, half teaspoon ground ginger and a bit of ground nigella, fennel and fenugreek (Bengali spice mix.). Then cranberries, currants and the juice and some pulp of a quarter of blood orange and juice of half a lemon, with one teaspoon raw honey... Cayenne too of course. If you have hayfever you can add a pinch each of Ceylon cinnamon and Saigon cinnamon (cassia.)
This all came together over a couple of months and I'm having the time of my life making soup mug puddings that are varying degrees of decadent or medicinal.
The one with mashed banana in almond with cocoa and honey, with bits of chocolate in it that melt when you nuke it and then top with ice cream... Soup mug chocolate orgasm. You can stir through passionfruit or raspberry puree to taste, or more cayenne pepper. Or both. Two teaspoons of honey. A pinch of cinnamon is probably advised for the sugar spike LoL.
Start with the Linseed, Sunflower, Almond mix and ground chia seeds, Pour on a few tablespoons of boiled water from the kettle and you'll see how much that can thicken up. There's quite a bit of oil in the linseed and chia so you don't need to add butter or anything unless you're loading for training in which case maybe consider hemp oil? Depending on how much hot water you use the pudding can be as cake or fudge or saucey as you like.
If you're wondering how to get enough veggies if you decide to live on random experimental pudding for a week, be advised that finely sliced red cabbage and Chinese broccoli (think coleslaw) can be swapped in for very tangy lemon and LSA... I like that one with the Bengali spices but have not tried it with chocolate, banana or coffee.
Now I'm thinking coffee and cardamom or white chocolate and orange... Lime and hazelnut in a chocolate base might work to. Shall have to be tested. For science!
Folge vom 20.08.2024, diesmal mit süßen Mäusen, ausgeschnittenem Pi und »in sheep«. 🎙️#Remfort #Wöhrl #Science #wissenschaft #Milchstraßenfotografie #Orexin #Adipositas #Biomaterial #Knorpelschäden #Arthrose #ViolettesGlas #Experiment #Kultur #Medizin #PsychologieHirnforschung
Methodisch inkorrekt: Konfliktbrot
free hugs from an octopus
the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.
(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )
Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor
#AB, #AB24, #AB-08-24, #AB-SG, #AB-18-08-24, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #Oktopus, #Krake, #Kunst, #Druck, #octopus, #octopus, #art, #print, #Poulpe, #pieuvre, #gelprint, #gelliprint, #gelatinedruck, #experiment, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
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Day 8 of my celery experiment
Still no signs of any roots
I'm afraid it's starting to go bad. But I'm not giving up yet