



The Hidden Life of Trees

When we pursue nature protection, we’re not protecting nature. We’re protecting ourselves.

Branching off of his bestselling book, renowned forester and writer Peter Wohlleben guides us through his most precious ideas and understanding of how trees work in this enlightening documentary. Presenting ecological, biological and academic expertise with matter-of-fact candor, Peter inspires us to really see the forest for the trees. Traveling through Germany, Poland, Sweden and Vancouver, Peter discusses, debates and explains the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed in the woodland, and the amazing scientific mechanisms behind these wonders of which we are too often blissfully unaware.

#TheHiddenLifeOfTrees #documentary #films #nature #environment #trees #woodwideweb #micorrhizal #networks #protection #preservation #conservation #ecology #PeterWohlleben #JörgAdolph #MPIMediaGroup #docu-films


A Better Way to Look at Trees


Yet have we ever really understood trees in the plural? Since the turn of the millennium, a remarkable recasting of our attention—away from the gravitas of individual trees and toward the question of what trees do together, as a collective—has been under way. What passes between trees, the nuance of their exchanges, and the seemingly delicate mechanism of their connections—that mystery has inspired a rich new realm of research, and along with it, a subgenre of literature dedicated to spreading a revised conception of the powers and processes that allow arboreal plants to thrive. … What a tree is—tree botany in its essentials—feels utterly changed. Will our self-centered thoughts, as we stand in the never-silent forest, change too, and how?

#nature #environment #trees #MegLowman #SuzanneSimard #PeterWohlleben


Hatte ich eigentlich schon erwähnt, dass die Organisation von #PeterWohlleben auch anbietet, eine frei wählbare Anzahl Quadratmeter #Buchenwald für 50 Jahre zu pachten, um den #Wald vor wirtschaftlicher Verwertung zu schützen?

4€ pro Quadratmeter - online.

#Artenschutz #Klimakatastrophe

Thomas Mertens - 2021-08-10 05:45:18 GMT

Wie unsere Wälder aussehen - und wie sie eigentlich aussehen müssten

Seit Jahren disktutieren Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Verbänden über den Umbau der deutschen Forste im Angesicht des Klimawandels. Wie unsere Wälder aussehen müssten, um für die Zukunft gewappnet zu sein
