

Our prime #purpose in #life is to #help others. And if you can't help them, at least, don't #hurt them... Dalai Lama

Trapped in a #plastic bag at a landfill in Spain, the photographer who took this shot later freed the stork...

There is no planet B, there aren't enough photographers to catch all the birds caught in plastic.

Our planet is dying and we are the killers.

#StopPlasticNow #PlasticFreeWorld #Environment #Pollution #PlasticKills


Microplastics its in human blood, the air, water, even plants - its everywhere and now found in human breast milk for the first time

Exclusive: Researchers concerned over potential health impacts of chemical contaminants on babies

This is not going to end well for us or any other living creature on this planet.

I'm sure we will soon hear about microplastic found in human blood too!
#Pollution #Plastic #MicroPlastic #BreastMilk #PlasticFreeWorld #TomorrowIsTooLate
