


Pre-historic #China is home to some of the most incredible structures that hint at #advanced civilizations long before our current historical records begin.

Among these are the Yangshan #Quarry, the Longyou Caves, and the numerous #pyramids scattered throughout China, often shrouded in #mystery and suggesting a legacy of #pre-flood #megastructures.

All of these #ancient sites and #megalithic structures have some kind of machine marks that suggest they were built by an advanced civilization lost to #history.


#Pre-Flood #Megalith Built With #Advanced #Technology - #Sacsayhuamán
Universe Inside You


"In the #heart of the #Andes, shrouded in the mists of time, lies a mystery that has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries. Welcome to Sacsayhuamán, an #ancient fortress perched above the former #Inca capital of #Cusco, a marvel of engineering that defies conventional understanding. This enigmatic structure, with its colossal stones perfectly interlocked without the use of mortar, is so advanced that even conventional archaeologists can't help but question if it was even possible for humans of the era to build with such perfection. These stones are so massive that they dwarf modern machinery, intricately carved and fitted with such precision that not even a blade of grass can pass through their joints. How were these stones transported, shaped, and placed by a civilization that, according to mainstream history, lacked the wheel, iron tools, or even a written language?"

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=26LzqOryJg4


Enormous #Pre-Flood #Mega-Structure Discovered in #Siberia
Universe Inside You

Jan 13, 2024

"The Gornaya Shoria #megaliths, as they came to be known, consisted of immense stone blocks, appearing to be granite, characterized by flat surfaces and right angles. What was even more shocking was the estimated weight of the stone, which was more than 3,000 tons. This would make the Gornaya Shoria megaliths - the largest megalithic stones ever discovered in human history."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IXyMi76Z1Xw