

Dr. Courtney Brown, a university professor and creator of Farsight.org, boldly predicts that larger UAPs will show up over the next month in increasing waves. This will prove we are not alone in the universe and force disclosure. He details how the ETs he has been working with for years say this is "the time" when we are all unified through the internet, but it hasn't been locked down through unbreakable censorship. This is the first significant podcast to take him seriously. If he's wrong, it will be a blemish on my credibility, but this is more than worth the risk because if he is correct, we are on the cusp of the most historic events in human history. One way or another, we will know in the coming months!

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=i-_PvCDIRDk


A #remote-viewing of the "core group" meeting at the #2024 #Bilderberg meeting, with deep #mind probes of some of the participants. Allegedly, these meetings were begun to discuss #how to prevent World War III, however, it is fairly clear the the #people who are at this meeting and the very last people on planet Earth who are interested in peace. Their #solution to every situation that is not going their way is to apply stress to the situation. There goals, for the most part, seem to be the consolidation of all power. As per the remote viewer, Aziz, it seems like a big #pyramid #scheme with all the #power flowing to the #top.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q0iL49yZU00



#Farsight just published the UPDATE for January 2024, and it includes the next major Earth Mysteries project topic: The Mystery of Lao Tzu! Plus there is the next major Galactic Mysteries project: The Reality of Harvey the ET.
This is what is going on at Farsight in January 2024, the only place on Earth of its kind.