

#Truth & #hope...

Finally, #media notices and reports #fact, amid smiles & #joy at the prospect of ending #TrumpVirus -- and ushering in a new era of mindful & just #democracy, with a return to #decency and #respect for #law, and all people...

Emperor Don's 'new clothes' are old.

Trump's carny act isn't working anymore
His Folgers Coffee™ Conference showed a candidate in decline.


Ah, gotta love Bucky. ❤
Even insects are not insignificant creatures. #FACT

Bill - 2024-04-26 22:24:19 GMT

"You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. The significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance if you apply yourself to converting all you experience to highest advantage to others. Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."
R. Buckminster Fuller
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You want PROOF? Look! ⬇️ There's your #proof .

You may have seen a story about Israel airstriking that Al-Jazeera reporter's family. It turns out that these people were in a Hamas Terrorist structure. If you know anything about how the I.D.F. works, you know that before they bomb a building, they call the locals and tell them to leave abd how they will hit the structure, and which nearby buildings will be safe. They then do "roof knocking," which is a first missile that makes a loud bang on the roof of a building. Then they do the actual airstrike. His family likely died out of being stubborn, or were executed by Hamas, as Hamas often forces innocents to such locations.

The MSM knowingly lies to people because they know the average American can get mad quickly, but actually has no interest in the region and so does not check to see if the data is correct.

Have you ever noticed just how many times Anderson Duper or any of a handful of other media personalities just happen to be in just the right location so that the building directly behind them is bombed? How does this happen all the time? Easy. I.D.F. has intel that a particular spot is a Hamas location, so they call the Arabs, warning them to leave, then they send in a roof knocking missile. Very very loud. It is the final warning. Then they blow up the building.

Think about it! Arabs make missiles that randomly kill or damage. Israel has rockets with pinpoint accuracy. Do you REALLY think they would spend all that money for fancy shmancy rockets to kill random civilians?!?! That would be like me using gold bullets to kill ducks. Makes zero sense.

So what happens is, Hamas will put elderly, women, and infants in a location about to be bombed, then the Palestinians can wail in the streets and the world blame Israel.

The land, by law, belongs to Israel. My desire is for Israel to go in on foot and tank and free the hostages, publickly execute any Hamas soldiers/ leadership, and then level and burn the land, to cleanse it. The Arabs there, most of them, are not generations long settlers. Most of those left years ago. The ones there now are violent and hate freedom and came there in the 1940's to 60's on construction jobs, and then just stayed. It would be like illegals coming to NYC, and then the media saying Manhattan was traditionally Mexican. Wait...WHAT?!?!!!?

Go online and find video after video of the "peaceful" palestinians beating innocent, captured Jews. It will probably have to be found on Bitchute.com or Rumble.com, because YouTube appears to hide or delete them. You can find videos that appear to show Jews picking on Palestinians, but are those videos heavily edited?


Here is an American explaining how America got the idea of roof knocking from Israel, and how civilians can die when not targetted.


Islam is a devlish system of death. They love death. The MsM usually edits things so you cannot see the heart of the true muslim. You have to go to Bitchute.com, Rumble.com, etc., to see accurate news.

If you follow me, or watch my YouTube or Rumble channel, you can see proof that I post, if YT doesn't censor it...again. They have deleted my comments endless times, shadowbanned me, and deleted a video where I simply asked a question about facemasks.

Many times they find HAMas is going in and out of a building, or the building conceals a bunker underneath that leads to tunnels.


If memory serves, they give them 15 minutes after the roof knock.


See how they already have a camera going, focused on the building BEFORE it is hit. They know when the rockets are coming, and where. Also notice the jumpcut to delete the 15 minutes.


If you understand how Islam works, you understand why/how "civilians" are killed. They are not innocent.

Many fundamentally do not understand islam. I would not suggest reading their trash, as it is of the devil, but their evil system teaches to befriend "infidels." They can go to their homes, have meals together, etc. This is the peace time. But then they grow in number in a country and the Imams begin to teach Defensive Jihad.  Basically, they are taught to be at peace with their host country, unless Islam or their false prophet is insulted. Then they can be violent. Once they grow larger, the Imams then teach Offensive Jihad.  This is the crazy terrorism and Sharia Law junk.

I once believed that there were peaceful and violent Muslims. But my friend, a former militant muslim from Pakistan taught me that the peaceful part is all part of the plan. Refuse to believe me? It is in their teachings.

Want to have some fun? Go on YouTube or anywhere muslims are, and ask them if they condemn their fake prophet for having sex with a 9 year old. He "married" Aisha when she was 6 years old. He says he first only fondled her when they bathed together, but once she turned the ripe old age of 9, he fully raped her. But he sure was a nice guy. He let only her continue to play with her dolls in his tent, wheras he did not with the others. So go ask muslims if they condemn the Profligate Muhammed's raping of Aisha. He also raped his sex slaves. Muslims refuse to condemn it, and in fact condone it, specifically saying it was acceptable.

Many sources call Aisha 9 years old when "married" to the false prophet. At least one says she was 7 years old. Sahil al-Bakari 51:58, 61:30, 51:33, 65:4, Sahil Muslim 33:11.

#Palestine #FreePalestine 🙄 #Hamas #Israel #Israeli #Jew #Jews #Jewish #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #Zionism #Judah #Juden #Palestinians #facts #media #OperationMockingbird #lies #lie #fact #IDF #IsraelDefenseForces #flattenPalestine #burnPalestine #war #Netanyahu #massacre ? #genocide 🙄 #Islam #muslims #AishaWas6 #Muhammed


Information that was fact in the past has since transpired to be falsehood in the present. Some of today's facts will be the falsehoods of the future. A fact is very strong evidence that supports a particular assertion, interpretation or observation logically & consistent with the current schema of understanding.

Facts can be true & can be false but truth is always true. Many facts of the past were considered true by the people of the past, but have since transpired to be completely or partially false. We must always keep in mind the epistemological limitations of knowledge and the influence of time on information deemed factual.

#information #fact #past #falsehood #facts #future #evidence #understanding #truth #people #epistemology #knowledge #time #informationera