

Jedes Jahr zu Halloween wird Suzy Q Records ein Jahr älter. Dieses Jahr sind es 25 Jahre. Leider können wir nicht feiern,da die Welt ein Scheißhaufen ist und man das nicht noch gutheißen sollte. Erst kürzlich haben wir zusammen erneut ein echtes Untergrundmonster geschaffen, auf Vinyl. Checkt das aus. Sonst ist sie lang aus dem Haus. Verdient ihr Geld für Drogen und Waffen in der russischen Pornoindustrie. Ich bin sooo stolz!


#blues #music #punk #RocknRoll #underground


I think we've all been waiting for this for a long time. Thanks to Atacolypse and the “STOMPIN' RIFFRAFFS”. What we do best is rock'n'roll, friendship, self-organization and fucking the shit out of the bourgeois. After all the hatred, war and arrogance, you can see that people are capable of great things. Just like we've always done. Rock'n'Roll is not dead - stronger than ever. #rocknroll #diy #underground #music


I was going to save this for tomorrow ( #TFIF ) but today is appropriate being the 29th and with recent learning of our mate #Eric 's departure from the planet. I don't believe he would have heard this song, although he may have; he was very astute when it came to #rockmusic, especially 60's and 70's stuff.

I recorded this on Sunday the 25th at Southport in Queensland (AU) on my crappy phone. It sounds crap but is audible in it's entirety and hopefully not too painful.

So without further rant, here is Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, complete with defacto chorus @clarice overhere , as to not disappoint anyone :-)

#ozrock #rocknroll #slacker #rip


Chuck Berry mit dem Titel Run Rudolph Run

Run Rudolph Run Lyrics


[quote]Chuck Berry - Run Rudolph Run

Album: Chuck Berry Is on Top (1959)

#christmasforloveandpeace #chuck_berry #musik #rocknroll #Diadvent23 #adventskalender23


Out of all the reindeers you know you are the mastermind

Run, run Rudolph, Randolph ain't too far behind

Run, run Rudolph, Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down

Run, run Rudolph 'cause I'm reelin' like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a boy child, "What have you been longin' for?"

"All I want for Christmas is a rock 'n' roll 'lectric guitar"

And then away went Rudolph whizzin' like a shootin' star

Run, run Rudolph, Santa's has to make it in town

Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down

Run, run Rudolph, reelin' like a merry-go-round

Run, run Rudolph, Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down

Run, run Rudolph, I'm reelin' like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a girl child, "What would please you most to get?"

"A little baby doll that can cry, sleep, drink and wet"

And then away went Rudolph, whizzin' like a Saber jet

Run, run Rudolph, Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down

Run, run Rudolph I'm reelin' like a merry-go-round