

🟣 Heute Morgen sicherte die #LouiseMichel 29 Menschen in 1 Boot in Seenot. Die Guardia Costiera⚓️🇮🇹 barg sie alle ab, während 48 Menschen weiter auf einen #PoS warten. 3 von ihnen sprangen verzweifelt ins Wasser und versuchten das GC-Boot zu erreichen.

via @MVLouiseMichel




Finally spring arrived at our little "livingroom-extension" as I like to call our tiny balcony. I decided to let it evolve mainly by itself, I just cut out some plants that tend to spread all over the place. So instead of spending money at stores I enjoy chilling in our private oasis and get lost in the repetitive fractal structures of all the emerging plants. A lot of local insects are joining us in summer to nest in our tiny insect hotel, get some nectar and pollen out of a variety of blossoms or simply take a sip out of water-bowls filled with stones to land on. Ah, the sweet life!

#nature #balcony #urbangardening #seedbomb #insecthotel #smaug #spider #safeplace #