

Eitle #Ampelregierung: Teures #Styling auf Kosten der Bürger


Ich glaube nicht, dass sich darüber heute viele Menschen aufregen. Die Zeiten sind vorbei, dass Menschen absichtlich versucht haben sich weniger attraktiv zu machen, damit die #Oberflächlichkeit verschwindet.
Heute wird sogar von der #Attraktivität auf #Talent und #Können geschlossen.
Zwar wurde aus jeder Jugend-Protest-Kultur schon immer auch ein Modetrend, aber das traf ganz sicher nicht auf alle zu,
Die Zeiten von absoluter #Natürlichkeit, Schlabberlook und #Understatement sind endgültig vorbei. Heute muss mensch sich vermarkten, dass lernt mensch schon von klein auf.
Ich möchte es nicht bewerten, stelle es lediglich fest. Und nein, meine Welt ist das nicht mehr.

#Eitelkeit #Reich #Schön#Schönheit #Kapitalismus #new_normal #Politik #Erfolg #Gesellschaft



Naturally you knew, had known the redefined murmurous late start, my void shifted aback taken in thought timely, a murmur set to reappear, a plaintive inaction. Sight the see, they see and they recite to their audibility, indifference notable, what you see, are my acute sensory perceptions, known like no other sunday. Forget those indecisive, they stray shallower the waters bring, bring your thoughts to the fro, cursive the description you will conceive, ages page to rewrite those authors, fabrication redresses in many informative relocations.

Pilot light a light resisting ignition, and you reenact how we come to know that some are just, and informative, and some adjust to have the insight you see. Couple the page, we exist alone, realms and the dream of another realm, with they the contextual font, but that’s not a word you need to know of. Start at the very beginning, take that what you take at gratitude, moving forward, acknowledge the axis tilts ever so post description, national pride rediscovers your a formidable foe, starring in the remaking of genuflection and the hours we robed away.


#writing #copyright #painting #wordmeasures #mypaint #styling #creative


Hierarchical section numbering in HTML via CSS

@woozle@hey.iseeamess.com asked this on G+

Hierarchical numbering should be doable via CSS, though I'm not positive I'd know how without messing with it. I've asked elsewhere and done some searching, the following appears to work for section numbers, if that's what you're looking for.


My question for either list or sections here:


The ID numbering (effectively an anchor property) would have to be generated by scripts, probably as a hash of the base page and the section text. This would persist across re-orderings, but if you edited the section title, the hash would change.

MediaWiki already allows for in-page references to content:


... which should really address your ID requirement.

#html #css #layout #styling #hierarchy