

I can't even switch to a new web #browser #lol.

I'm stuck with an old version of #waterfox which keeps being less and less reliable for the "modern" web: I think it's some old JavaScript support, sites like #gitlab don't even display. I can't switch to a new browser such as ungoogled #chromium or new waterfox because firstly their appimages require new version of glibc which my OS doesn't have (so much for appimage "portability" #lmao), and secondly building from source has shown beyond my strength (the combination of billions of build systems and dependencies makes compilation extremely difficult, so much for software freedom). And of course, even if I could choose any browser, there simply isn't a nice one, every single one has a considerable amount of #bullshit, and sadly the #suckless ones lack support for essential addons such as adblock and sponsorblock for #youtube.


Releasing my new project: SAF


I'm releasing my new project: SAF (SmallAbstractFish), a tiny #suckless #publicdomain game engine/fantasy console/library/interface. It basically allows you to create tiny extremely portable games.

I've also written a game for it: MicroTD (https://drummyfish.itch.io/microtd)

Enjoy <3

#games #open-source #freesoftware #cc0