

#PeerTube, the #Open-Source #YouTube, Now Has Mobile Apps

PeerTube, a popular open-source YouTube alternative, has released its inaugural mobile apps for #iPhone and #Android seven years after its inception.

PeerTube is an open-source and decentralized video network, with videos hosted across thousands of interconnected servers, from large YouTube-like public servers to smaller ones set up by individual creators.



Qu'est-ce que l'Open Source Pledge ?

L'objectif est de persuader les entreprises utilisant du code open source de verser une contribution annuelle de 2 000 dollars par développeur pour soutenir les projets open source.
Jusqu'à présent, 25 entreprises ont signé la promesse, mais Chad Whitacre, co-fondateur du projet et responsable de l'open source chez Sentry, vise les grands noms de la technologie.
Il souligne que ces géants dépensent des millions de dollars dans divers domaines et devraient également investir dans le soutien des développeurs open source, sans lesquels nombre de leurs produits et services ne pourraient fonctionner efficacement.

#tech #open-source #développement #développeurs #soutien


Des smartphones transformés en émetteurs-récepteurs radio amateur

Un nouveau projet open-source pourrait bien bouleverser le monde de la radio amateur. Vance Vagell, radioamateur passionné, vient de dévoiler le kv4p HT, un dispositif innovant qui transforme n'importe quel smartphone Android en émetteur-récepteur radio amateur portable.
Le projet est entièrement open-source, du code de l'application jusqu'aux fichiers de conception du circuit imprimé, tous disponibles sur GitHub sous licence GNU GPL 3.

#tech #téléphonie #open-source #VHF #radio-amateur


Well, dammit, now even #Linux has gotten "political." All developers and maintainers with ties to #Russia are being kicked out.
Linux - until now - has been a global, free and #open-source ( #FOSS) project. But Microsoft, IBM, and others who are big money "contributors" to the Linux Foundation have been using their Embrace --> Extend --> Extinguish strategy to mess it up.
It appears to be working.

So today I'm experimenting with a different UNIX-based desktop operating system called #BSD (also free and open-source, with less of the politics and none of the influence imposed by Big Tech (Micro$oft, IBM, etc) their #systemd pollution and influence-buying bullcrap.


"Here’s PROOF We’re Not Alone!": #ETs, #UFOs & #Conspiracy | #Dr. #Greer

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xmbdvn7vkmA

Dr. Steven Greer is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and technologies, and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. For over more than 35 years, Dr. Greer has provided briefings for senior government officials across the globe, conducted numerous media interviews, and delivered hundreds of lectures. Dr. Greer’s relentless efforts towards the disclosure of classified UFO/ET information have inspired millions of supporters around the world. He continues to identify high level government, contractor and military whistleblowers willing to bring out the truth on the UFO/ET issue.

0:00 Introduction
3:02 Military defectors and whistleblowers coming forward:
6:20 Ex-military personnel's disclosures; Legalities and self-censorship of whistleblowers
12:48 The beginnings of #ET secrecy: Eisenhower's era to Roswell (the truth)
17:00 Targeting ET crafts with advanced technology
21:30 ET civilisations: "there are DOZENS of them"
24:50 The reason there is a lack of Government knowledge on UFO projects
27:06 Hybrid covert operations and government collusion
31:05 How whistleblowers are threatened when speaking out on the subject of ETs
40:24 Dr. Greer's complete database of ET & #UFO Proof (backed by 115 testimonials)
43:45 False narratives & media censorship
48:10 The reason why Dr. Greer's episode on Joe Rogan was taken down
50:20 Dr. Greer's #documentary being blacklisted from the #internet
52:26 Envisioning an ideal future and societal impacts (Dr. Greer's ambition)
56:27 Global destruction & population redudction
1:04:10 Can total peace ever be achieved on Earth?
1:10:52 Hollywood corruption & forced narratives
1:15:55 Did aliens help build the pyramids?
1:18:51 #Free #energy (and the implications)
1:24:22 #Open-source energy lab and investor challenges
1:30:16 The importance of strategic intelligence
1:33:15 Crowdfunding initiatives and extraterrestrial consciousness
1:41:45 If ET existence was 100% confirmed, what would be the societal impact?
1:48:34 Dr. Greer's response to sceptics
1:52:04 Big tech influence and positive feedback from appearances
1:53:45 Encouraging whistleblowers and information sources
“Here’s PROOF We’re Not Alone!”: Aliens, UFOs & Conspiracy Theories | Dr. Greer (E064)


Kann mir jemand #Open-source #Alternativen für #Slack und Co empfehlen?
Sollte datenschutzkonform und sicher sein, ferner sollte man einen eigenen Server aufsetzen können. Also hochschultauglich.

Natürlich gucke ich auch gerade selbst, aber Empfehlungen aus Zeitschriften etc. sind ja keine Erfahrungen.


If you are interested in the #freeculture movement (let's call it #open-source for #art and #creatives) maybe read this fine piece by @jcolag@mastodon.social about a movement that was only ever a dream in some people's heads (mine including), but maybe something that was worth building onto.


As an artist that makes free culture art it is always tedious to talk about as it, in the end, always sound like you are begging for money :)


Swing, mywork 2019


Scrcpy – Display and Control Your Android Device via Linux Desktop

Scrcpy (pronounced “screen copy“) is a free, #open-source, and cross-platform application used to display and control an #Android device from your #Linux desktop computer. It works on Linux, #Windows, and #macOS, and allows you to control a device connected via a #USB or #wirelessly (over TCP/IP).

It features mirroring with Android device screen off, configurable screen display quality, recording, copy and paste in both directions, using an Android device as a webcam (Linux only), physical keyboard and mouse simulation, #OTG mode, and much more.

To use #scrcpy, your Android device must have at least API 21 (Android 5.0), and it must also have #adb (Android Debug Bridge) debugging (USB debugging) enabled. But, it does not require root user access on Linux.



Graphite. L’éditeur graphique open source qui va bousculer la création graphique.

Une solution très sympa open source et totalement gratuite était en train de voir le jour. Graphite est une appli de graphics editing nouvelle génération qui coche toutes les cases : retouche photo, dessin vectoriel, peinture numérique, PAO, compositing, motion design… On est clairement sur un couteau suisse de la création 2D.
Graphite est déjà dispo en version alpha et on peut le tester directement dans son navigateur. (JavaScript).

#logiciels #open-source #graphisme #design


The Mirror | The #open-source #Roblox & #UEFN #alternative, giving you freedom to own what you create. An #all-in-one, #real-time, #collaborative #game #development platform built on #Godot.

All-in-one: One app to build & play
Real-time everything: The most fun and easiest way to build
Instant game previews: No waiting for long build times
Integrated asset marketplace
First-person, third-person, & VR player controllers
3D pains done for you out-of-the-box
Launch your game in The Mirror or on third-party stores like Steam



Firefox serait au bord du gouffre ?...

Les données de StatCounter pour le mois de novembre 2023 montrent que Firefox ne détient plus que 3,23 % de part de marché. Firefox se rapproche ainsi dangereusement des 2 % de part de marché en dessous duquel certains sites Web gouvernementaux (américains et britanniques, par exemple) cessent de supporter un navigateur.

#web #navigateur #open-source #Mozilla #Firefox


Is there a middle ground between pay and get support or open source, don’t complain?

I have a beef with open source artificial intelligence the way it currently is presented.

It starts with promises. A new model like llama, much better than the predecessor due to more parameters.

Then everyone fine tunes models and uploads them.

Whenever you run into issues compiling, using and managing expectations, nobody is there to talk to, because “open source”.

Often, provided there’s documentation, it’s written for computers, not people.

Transformers being black boxes, you always have the choice to take it or leave it. There is no debugging, really.

Most, me included, do not know how the math behind it works, so we are at the mercy of tutorials, which detail an ultra-niche case, 1% of users can apply.

Is there a middle ground between pay and get support or open source, don’t complain?

#artificial-intelligence #open-source #support #debugging #documentation #math #tutorials #complaints #middle-ground #pay