

And here you find civilized man.
Civilized man refused to adapt himself to his environment. Instead he adapted his environment to suit him. So he built cities, roads, vehicles, machinery. And he put up power lines to run his labour-saving devices. But he didn't know when to stop. The more he improved his surroundings to make life easier the more complicated he made it.

Now his children are sentenced to 10 to 15 years of school, to learn how to survive in this complex and hazardous habitat.
And civilized man, who refused to adapt to his surroundings now finds he has to adapt and re-adapt every hour of the day to his self-created environment.

For instance, if it's Monday and 7:30 comes up, you have to dis-adapt from your domestic surroundings and re-adapt yourself to an entirely different environment.
8:00 means everybody has to look busy. 10:30 means you can stop looking busy for 15 minutes. And then, you have to look busy again.


They must be the most contented people in the world. They have no crime, no punishment, no violence, no laws, no police, judges, rulers or bosses. They believe that the gods put only good and useful things on the earth for them.

ln this world of theirs, nothing is bad or evil. Even a poisonous snake is not bad. You just have to keep away from the sharp end.

They're very gentle people. They'll never punish a child or even speak harshly to it. So the kids are extremely well-behaved. Their games are cute and inventive.

The characteristic which really makes them different from all other races is that they have no sense of ownership at all. Where they live, there's nothing you can own. Only trees and grass and animals.

These Bushmen have never seen a stone or a rock in their lives. The hardest things they know are wood and bone. They live in a gentle world, where nothing is as hard as rock, steel or concrete.

A funny comparison of "civilized vs uncivilized" people.

The full movie is actually 1h48min long, go download it, the youtube version is censored (maybe bushman naked skin was a bit too much?)
Anywho, its a hilarious movie, great humor and fun gags. This style of movie is rare, I do like the simplicity, its good entertainment. I find the living philosophy of the bushmen to be exemplary, we could learn a lot from them.

#Movie #TheGodsMustBeCrazy


Happy April (1st/Fools' Day)

No joke here, but a 4-minute clip which may make you laugh. (Me, every time).
A movie about a couple, scientists, who crash land in Africa in a secluded area.

"The Gods Must Be Crazy (II)": The Honey Badger

I'm going to keep it light, though honestly I was reminded of this honey badger upon seeing an image of DJTJ (sniff sniff)
Ranting and tenacious; could be #GymJordan or #MTG too. Grrrrr. ;) So many criminals & deviants in the #GQP cult!

But if you've never seen politics - or this film - smile... A four-minute clip here, beginning after the plane crashes into a tree.

#movie #classic #TheGodsMustBeCrazy #HoneyBadger #badger #nature #Africa #humor #humour #movies


Theme of the Day: Don't let it eat you!
Enjoy the weekend!

It all started with some posts about Tasmanian devils... Tenacious and fierce, like this fellow.

The Gods Must be Crazy (II)

This is a short (4m) clip from a great movie (and metaphor),
All I need say is: 1) This is a honey badger; 2) In the movie, this man has crash-landed & inadvertently stepped on his new BFF.

Sort of like the house landing on the witch. A long way from Kansas. Or Oz. But a lovely introduction to the honey badger. And a hint as to how badgers got their name. ;)

#honeybadger #TheGodsMustBeCrazy #tenacity #movieclassics #badger #filmclassic #comedy #nature