

Donald E. Scott: #Quintessence of #Solar #Winds | #Thunderbolts
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Sjc5iZx6dIM
#Electric #Sun proponent Donald Scott rages against the status quo as usual. I would swear I was listening to Joe Montegna.

#Quote In 1962, the Mariner II space probe travelling toward Venus detected electrically charged particles moving through interplanetary space. Then the Ulysses solar probe, launched in 1990, discovered the solar wind came in two varieties—an irregular slow flow of 400 km/sec, and a fast one up to 800 km/sec. The slow solar wind typically comes from the Sun’s equatorially located 'streamer belt', while the fast type is from the relatively peaceful surface seen when looking down through coronal holes at the surface of the photosphere.

Author and electrical engineer Donald E. Scott, PhD, details the intricacies of the dual nature of solar winds, and how his Electric Sun Model solves the mystery of the extreme temperature of the lower corona—which has baffled astrophysics for decades.
Published 4th September 2022 (17:00)


Another observational failure for the mainstream model.....
"We discovered that a massive bulge, a regular rotating disk, and possibly spiral arms were already in place in this galaxy when the Universe was just 10% of its current age," said lead author of the study Dr. Federico Lelli, who undertook the work at Cardiff University's School of Physics and Astronomy.
"In other words, this galaxy looks like a grown adult, but it should be just a little child."

Any other theory in science would have been shot and put out of it's misery by now after failing so many crucial and important so called "tests" of the model. The whole concept of galaxy evolution is the most important so called "prediction" of the expansion model, and yet every single time we get a new observation from further back in time, it shows massive and mature galaxies as far as we can see. There is zero evidence of a bang, none. It's all fabricated nonsense. The expansion dogma simply doesn't jive with the observations.

#thunderbolts #mainstream #galaxy #Universe #Physics #Astronomy #big_bang #expansion #dogma #corruption #regressive #astrophysics #science


Handbag of the Gods | Space News....
We present the finale of the “Eye of the Storm” series. In his concluding episode, author and Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall brings to light the handbag depicted all over the world in ancient stonework. The earliest know depictions are in petroglyphs that can’t all be dated, but are believed to be from before 9,000 BC. These figures just might symbolically commemorate the most Earth-shattering event known to man.

Finally, if there is one thing evident from the "Eye of the Storm" series, it’s that Earth is an electric circuit driven by whatever is in its core. We don’t know what the “core” is. It’s not a spinning ball of iron. The surface effects we experience outside of the crust are driven from within as a result of how the core reacts with the solar system. The surface effects are a capacitive reaction to changing energy levels in the core, because Earth is a spherical capacitor.

#Gods #Space_News #Eye_of_the_Storm #Thunderbolts #Earth #electric_universe_theory #capacitor #physics #geology #chemistry #meterology #astrophysics