

The Tonga volcanic shockwave has been detected by a bunch of folks on Mastodon

There are people who've been monitoring barometric (atmospheric) pressure, several in Germany, elsewhere in Europe, and the US, who've recorded the pressure wave as the Tonga shockwave passed over their location.

By noting location and time, they're able to calculate the speed of the wave as well.

The boom itself was audibly detectable as far away as New Zealand, Australia, and Alaska!


#Tonga #Mastodon #Volcanos #Shockwaves #Geology #Meterology


Handbag of the Gods | Space News....
We present the finale of the “Eye of the Storm” series. In his concluding episode, author and Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall brings to light the handbag depicted all over the world in ancient stonework. The earliest know depictions are in petroglyphs that can’t all be dated, but are believed to be from before 9,000 BC. These figures just might symbolically commemorate the most Earth-shattering event known to man.

Finally, if there is one thing evident from the "Eye of the Storm" series, it’s that Earth is an electric circuit driven by whatever is in its core. We don’t know what the “core” is. It’s not a spinning ball of iron. The surface effects we experience outside of the crust are driven from within as a result of how the core reacts with the solar system. The surface effects are a capacitive reaction to changing energy levels in the core, because Earth is a spherical capacitor.

#Gods #Space_News #Eye_of_the_Storm #Thunderbolts #Earth #electric_universe_theory #capacitor #physics #geology #chemistry #meterology #astrophysics