

Politics and science don't mix well.
Europe a continent, america a country... #europe #continent #geology #geopgraphy #science #myth #propaganda ">
The criterion of a discrete landmass is completely disregarded if the continuous landmass of Eurasia is classified as two separate continents (Asia and Europe). Physiographically, Europe and the Indian subcontinent are large peninsulas of the Eurasian landmass. However, Europe is considered a continent with its comparatively large land area of 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi), while the Indian subcontinent, with less than half that area, is considered a subcontinent. The alternative view—in geology and geography—that Eurasia is a single continent results in a six-continent view of the world. Some view separation of Eurasia into Asia and Europe as a residue of Eurocentrism: "In physical, cultural and historical diversity, China and India are comparable to the entire European landmass, not to a single European country. [...]." However, for historical and cultural reasons, the view of Europe as a separate continent continues in almost all categorizations.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent


Colossal Cache of Lithium Found in US May Be World's Largest

Hydrothermal enrichment of lithium in intracaldera illite-bearing claystones

Developing a #sustainable supply chain for the global proliferation of #lithium ion batteries in #electric #vehicles and grid storage necessitates the extraction of lithium resources that minimize local environmental impacts. Volcano sedimentary lithium resources have the potential to meet this requirement, as they tend to be shallow, high-tonnage deposits with low waste:ore strip ratios. Illite-bearing Miocene lacustrine sediments within the southern portion of McDermitt caldera (USA) at Thacker Pass contain extremely high lithium grades... #economics #geology


Thare's a "gravity hole" in the Indian Ocean, where Earth's gravity is lower than average. The sea level of the Indian Ocean there is 106 meters lower than the global average.

Researchs say they know the reason. A mantle structure called the "African blob", which is a large low shear velocity province" causes hot, low-density material to flow from underneath Africa to underneathr the Indian Ocean. The African blob in turn is probably formed by "Tethyan slabs" deep in the mantle.

"Geologists think these slabs are ancient remnants of seafloor from the Tethys Ocean, which was located between the supercontinents of Laurasia and Gondwana more than 200 million years ago. Both Africa and India were part of Gondwana, but what is now India moved north into the Tethys Ocean -- creating the Indian Ocean behind it -- about 120 million years ago."

"Plumes [of molten rock] arise when subducted slabs belonging to the old Tethys Ocean sink inside the mantle and reach the core-mantle boundary."

Giant "gravity hole" in the ocean may be the ghost of an ancient sea
