

When people say both parties are the same...call their bullshit. One party keeps removing these protections at state and local levels: the GOP. One party keeps making them happen again: The Democratic Party. If the repeal of Roe v. Wade and viciousness of how GOP is using it to go after women's health isn't a wake up call I don't know what will. Remember to get out and vote and vote remember that. #uspoli #Election2024 https://news.yahoo.com/biden-administration-protect-gay-transgender-130028711.html


I've been a single issue voter since 2004 on the courts. The undoing of a GOP gerrymander so bad they even had supermajority in one house of the legislature even though the Democrats won the majority of the votes shows the power of that. If more people voted like that for POTUS in recent years we would still have Roe. We would still be able to enact gun control laws like we had until the early-2000s. We would not have resurgence of systemic disenfranchisement of minority voters throughout the country. We would not have had the Wisconsin gerrymander or comparable ones in states like North Carolina long ago. My entire life SCOTUS has been right of center and trending further right with each year. It took a sharp turn right in 2017 thanks to Trump winning the presidency. Until SCOTUS and the federal judiciary are balanced and that balanced state exists long enough for the results to percolate down into real effects I will never be able to vote for the Republican candidate for POTUS or Senate even if there was some magic wand resurgence of moderate Republicanism of mid-20th century. Voting does matter. Elections have consequences for you whether you vote in it or not. Get out and vote. Vote Democratic Party to get these courts fixed and to help us continue moving in the right direction again. #uspoli #scotus #Election2024
Wisconsin governor signs new state legislative maps into law, ending a GOP gerrymander


This is too on point about how the press covers things nowadays and the double standard in how we talk about urban versus rural people and expositions on how those "real Americans" in "rural America" are thinking at their diners. #msm #uspoli
Cartoon lampooning the "diner journalism" the press does trying to figure out "the real reason" why Trump voters do what they do...


I like the idea of breaking out of media bubbles and seeing how bias is reporting things differently. The site ground.news is a mechanism for doing that. They aggregate bias and ownership rankings from third party organizations and then show who is covering what and how. It is fascinating. But I think their rating system has some glaring errors. It's impossible to get a list of all publications but even their standard one shows the problem. AP being center is solid, but in the updated ratings it is skewed as left of center. Politico is definitely not left of center nor is The Hill center. Those are all right of center. NBC and CNN is at best left of center but especially with the new management of CNN that is actually now right of center too. Even in the categories of organizations I can't stand I don't think their ratings hold up. I hate Fox News but there is no way their web/print content are as skewed right as Daily Wire and Breitbart. They would more appropriately be in the same column as WSJ and New York Post. The thing I learned today though is that it is possible to create individual suggestions and tweaks. So maybe it would be worth subscribing after all...I can't tell. Anyone have practical long term usage experience to tell me what their thoughts are? #MSM #MediaBias #uspoli
Partisan skew matrix screenshot.


One of the many truly disturbing things DeSantis pulled off in the 2022 race was trumping up cases against a handful of black people who supposedly fraudulently registered to vote. The "fraud" was around the implementation of the 2018 ballot initiative that passed with 2/3 voting for it to let ex-felons to vote. It smelled bad when it happened and it only smells worse as time goes on. When people ask me who is worse, Trump or DeSantis, I still say it is Trump because I don't think DeSantis would go through with a literal coup like Trump did in 2020 nor do I think he is as mentally unstable so I'd trust him more with the nuclear football. That is a very very low bar though and DeSantis has proved to excel at some aspects of implementing autocracy that Trump never nailed down well. That may be because of the scale of control of the media markets and government in Florida and outlets like Fox propping up DeSantis more than they would have hoping for a non-Trump Trumpy alternative. Neither of these people should be anywhere near executive power at the scale of governorship or worse POTUS. This is a gift link I found so should not be behind a paywall. #uspoli #trump #desantis #GOP #Election2024 #CivilRights #VotingRights
The first arrests from DeSantis’s election police take extensive toll


I keep hearing/seeing from center-right/right people, "We just want to go back to everyone living their own lives and just live and let live." When do people imagine that time being exactly? The closest anyone ever got to that were straight white Christian men in the mid-20th century and even they were smacked around pretty well if they stepped outside cultural norms too far. For minorities it was varying degrees of a living nightmare. As a gay guy when I read contemporary publications from the time, see broadcasts from the time, etc. I get very antsy picturing myself having to exist in that era/environment. I'm honestly not sure how I would cope with that level of cognitive dissonance but I could easily see self destructive behaviors like alcoholism being a high probability if not suicide long before I reached my present age. I at least would have the privilege of being able to hide in plain site if I chose. Other minorities would not. So if you think I'm going to be sanguine about you voting for people that support returning us to that era *at best* or making the path forward even more draconian than that under the auspices of "live and let live" you have another thing coming. And fuck off with your "well akshully" bullshit hiding in the weasel words of the text of bills while they are skywriting their intention to the world at large in speeches and actions #uspoli


I did a direct reshare of @Thom Hartmann 's post already but I had additional thought. In 2017 when my left leaning friends said they feared Trump would coup if he lost a reelection bid I said that I could see him doing that but that it wasn't a foregone conclusion. Well it happened. The lack of reaction away from that whole thing makes me think that Hartmann here is not being melodramatic but very realistic. It still isn't a foregone conclusion but it is in coin toss to dice roll level of probability. It seems to be getting worse every day when you look at what the GOP is doing state level in FL, TX, and other states too. Deeply deeply disturbing. #uspoli https://hartmannreport.com/p/does-america-die-gradually-then-suddenly


In light of DHH's latest tone deaf opinion piece which is giddy about Musk taking over Twitter being a sign of the death knell of being active at improving diversity and the "defeat of wokism and cancel culture" I thought very conservative Joe Walsh's tweet about not considering being called "woke" a slur was perfect. Contrary to what many Republicans and right wing media people tell you, recognizing systemic and pervasive injustice against minorities and actively fighting to fix that isn't just a thing liberals can do. The right wing make it political not the other way around. The minorities being affected by it aren't trying to "be political.". They are just trying to live as free as we all are told we are supposed. #uspoli #dhh #diversity #antiracism #AntiDiscrimination


These are brilliantly done and hilarious satire pieces! In the case of some of what we see here with "anti-CRT" and other overheated nonsense from the right it isn't even that far off into satire territory. #uspoli #PoliticalSatire @Exploding Heads

Exploding Heads - 2022-11-18 12:22:08 GMT

📞"My grandson's primary school's doing their Nativity play - A pregnant migrant woman crossing a border with her husband WHO ISN'T EVEN THE DAD. And we're supposed to be happy that they're given sanctuary!😡"

Colin from Portsmouth on the woke schools brainwashing our kids.


This is a preview of where the US is headed. As it says in less than a decade WI now is in a situation where the duly elected Democratic governor has all appointments blockaded by the GOP legislature. The gerrymandering is so bad that even though the GOP didn't win the majority of the vote they have a majority in one chamber and a supermajority in the other chamber of the legislature. The WI Supreme Court says all that is fine. the US Supreme Court has said it is all fine too. All that degradation within the last 10-20 years. With no signs of the GOP suffering political consequences for these sorts of things I don't see how the whole country doesn't end up in this faux-democracy state. Hence Plan B execution is underway. #uspoli