

Call for Global May Day 2021

Worldwide we, the wage-related workers, are set in competition to support the
additional value production. Regardless where we live, our gender / sex, nationality, we
are interwoven in the same fight, if we want to or not. Budget cuts in social services,
outsourcing, depressing wages, privatization, increasing costs of living as well as tuition
fees and the destruction of natural recourses are just a few of the symptoms of the
global economic system. A system that is based on exploitation and competition leads to
commercialization of all aspects of our lives. We suffer from growing pressure to
perform, separation, as well as the alienation of our needs and people, which we are
working and living with. Be it at the workplace, university or increasingly even during
childhood and youth. The logic of the market economy and the corresponding nationstate structures require that adaption to the dictate of competitiveness and the valueadded production take priority over the development of emancipatory capabilities.

The introduction of a Universal Basic Income on the global level can be a first
emancipatory step in overcoming wage labor relations.

We do not intend to simply disrupt; we seek to overcome.

Given the transnational nature of the capitalist system, it is necessary for workers to
connect on the global level.
By networking across borders, the global interconnections that shape our local conditions can be made visible. Furthermore it opens up new potentialities and scopes of action within the struggle against exploitation as well as precarious working and living conditions. The bargaining power of workers would increase tremendously, if we were to unite within the same value-added chain.
Especially in times of nationalism and racism, we seek the common struggle and resist
being played off against each other.

For a better life for all – across all borders!


Note on Coronavirus epidemic

The world has been going through a serious epidemy of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Like all
crises, the poorest workers are the most affected. Many companies force workers to
keep working, consequently, prohibit the workers’ right of quarantine. Many workers are
being laid off, self-employed workers, street vendors and other workers are without
income. People in refugee camps and homeless people have no access to minimum
sanitary conditions.

We strive for:

1) The right of basic needs to be met for all.
2) Decent sanitary working conditions for all workers.
3) Free access to COVID-19 vaccines for all.
4) The immediate suspension of water, electricity, cooking gas, telephone and
internet bills.
5) The immediate suspension of rents.
Make the rich pay for the crisis!


#anarchism #hamburg #anarchismus #bangladesh #Anarchisme #IWW #Gewerkschaft #Syndicalism #1world1struggle #globalmayday #syndikalismus #anarchosyncalism #Dhaka #anarcosindicalismo #gwtuc #sindicalismo #sindicalismorevolucionario #UnitedAgainstTheDragon #DragonSweater