

since cant see these two posts from here, re-posting already reshared (from another instance (sorry, cant get diaspora links to work for this from here.. https://nerdpol.ch/posts/11263484 & https://nerdpol.ch/posts/11102895 )), manually:

Colin-Roy Hunter - about a year ago
Why are so many #Brits apathetic or so sure that their tiny lives are all there is to existence? Most are incapable of agapē (love-in-action) for anyone outside their circle of loved-ones. Egotistic and selfish to their very cores. Hence why #BREXIT came to pass and why all kinds of #hate, hatefulness & hate-crime are flourishing. #Fascism, or at least some kind of ultra-right-wing #totalitarianism is now the one-way street along which these once great isles are now travelling. #Fairness, #Justice, #Equity have all been sacrificed so that Brits do not have to think: think for themselves; distracting themselves at every opportunity so they do not need to think whatsoever. Unthinkingly, Brits have placed themselves in a gaol with nought but gruel to sustain us. I recall #AllegoryOfTheCave from #Plato’s #Republic. Wake up #Britain: let us be known as #GreatBritain once more!

“[T]he other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life.”


Colin-Roy Hunter - about a year ago
I am one of the 2,000,000 disabled individuals who received zero #UKgov support.

Under the #Covid19 #pandemic #Lockdown, “The Government was so scared of what people might think, suddenly forced to live on so little, that they gave basic benefits a little boost during this time, by £20 per week (£1,040 a year), up from around £70 in normal times. But they didn’t add this extra cash to old-school benefits. Two million #disabled people didn’t get anything extra. Determined to push people on to #UniversalCredit (#UC), and citing creaky old computer systems for the old-style benefits, the Government said it couldn’t be done.”

#DWP #DWPfail

#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath



‘Unconscionable’ universal credit cut breaks human rights law, says UN envoy

“For these people, £20 a week makes a huge difference, and could be the difference between falling into extreme poverty or remaining just above that poverty line … If the question is one of fiscal consolidation to maintain the public deficit within acceptable levels then you should raise revenues, not cut down on welfare at the expense of people in poverty.”


#BorisTheButcher #FuckTheTories #UniversalCredit #EatTheRich