

since cant see these two posts from here, re-posting already reshared (from another instance (sorry, cant get diaspora links to work for this from here.. https://nerdpol.ch/posts/11263484 & https://nerdpol.ch/posts/11102895 )), manually:

Colin-Roy Hunter - about a year ago
Why are so many #Brits apathetic or so sure that their tiny lives are all there is to existence? Most are incapable of agapē (love-in-action) for anyone outside their circle of loved-ones. Egotistic and selfish to their very cores. Hence why #BREXIT came to pass and why all kinds of #hate, hatefulness & hate-crime are flourishing. #Fascism, or at least some kind of ultra-right-wing #totalitarianism is now the one-way street along which these once great isles are now travelling. #Fairness, #Justice, #Equity have all been sacrificed so that Brits do not have to think: think for themselves; distracting themselves at every opportunity so they do not need to think whatsoever. Unthinkingly, Brits have placed themselves in a gaol with nought but gruel to sustain us. I recall #AllegoryOfTheCave from #Plato’s #Republic. Wake up #Britain: let us be known as #GreatBritain once more!

“[T]he other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life.”


Colin-Roy Hunter - about a year ago
I am one of the 2,000,000 disabled individuals who received zero #UKgov support.

Under the #Covid19 #pandemic #Lockdown, “The Government was so scared of what people might think, suddenly forced to live on so little, that they gave basic benefits a little boost during this time, by £20 per week (£1,040 a year), up from around £70 in normal times. But they didn’t add this extra cash to old-school benefits. Two million #disabled people didn’t get anything extra. Determined to push people on to #UniversalCredit (#UC), and citing creaky old computer systems for the old-style benefits, the Government said it couldn’t be done.”

#DWP #DWPfail

#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath

