● NEWS ● #AppleInsider #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #AngryBirds maker sued for allegedly violating child privacy https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/29/angry-birds-maker-sued-by-new-mexico-for-allegedly-violating-coppa
That helps explain why #AngryBirds asks for your DOB... AND gander when you just try to PLAY a game. #snowden showed Angry Birds is used for extensive spying. It is #malware in 'entertainment' clothing....
● NEWS ● #JURIST #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #NewMexico sues #AngryBirds developer over child privacy violations https://www.jurist.org/news/2021/08/new-mexico-sues-angry-birds-developer-over-child-privacy-violations/
● NEWS ● #YLE #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ US authority suspects #AngryBirds maker of violating child privacy https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/us_authority_suspects_angry_birds_maker_of_violating_child_privacy/12077608