

A closer look at online privacy: new Tor tutorials

At Tor, we're always looking for ways to empower more people to access the unrestricted internet and defend against #surveillance and censorship with our digital tools. To achieve this goal, we've taken significant steps to ensure that our tools are #user-friendly and accessible to a wide audience. That includes localization of our offering into as many languages as possible.

As part of a recently completed project, we've made #Tor #Browser, Tor circumvention tools, Tor documentation and training materials, and #OnionShare available in Arabic, Chinese, and Swahili. Additionally, we've developed short, localized, and easy-to-digest explainer videos that guide users on how to access the Tor network, bypass #censorship, and share files #securely and #anonymously.

Think using Tor is difficult? Think again!



Which messenger is the most secure? Which one offers the most comprehensive #privacy protection?

In terms of security and privacy protection, there’s no match for Threema. It’s the only service that can be used #anonymously, i.e., without providing personally identifiable information (such as a #phonenumber or #emailaddress).

Signal is also designed with security and data protection in mind, but since it’s a #US service, it is subject to the #CLOUDAct, and it requires users to disclose personally identifiable information.


Threema for Android without going through the Google Play store. This shop is only intended for those users who cannot use Google Play.


the only problem i see is : if i am alone to use it, it make non sense

it have so hard to convince my network family to join Signal . it will be hard to ask them to pay to join me


They should have a free plan for 6 months

#signal #whatsapp #telegram #messenger #threema


Je test en ce moment #jami et voici un début de retour d’expérience.
Je m’intéresse (mon choix) uniquement aux solutions libres, cryptées de bout en bout, disponible pour un max d’OS/plateformes (linux, win, mac, android, ios, etc) ET sans obligation de donner son numéro de téléphone ou d’avoir un smartphone pour créer un compte.
Jami propose du #distribuée #pairtopair, çà c’est top!
En bonus le développement est actif avec des versions récentes, ex: stable Android 20201222-01 et preview Android 20210106, idem pour les autres plateformes.
D’après ce que j’ai pu lire Jami serait soutenu par des dev #Trisquel eux même soutenu par la #FSF, autant dire que si ce soutient se confirme dans le temps voilà une belle équipe de libristes à l’oeuvre!
Et ce qui concerne mon début d’expérience deux potes (sous android) qui ont du corriger les autorisations de l’app (son pas automatiquement autorisé) et après correction de ce détail çà roule nikel.

Vous voulez plus d'infos:

#RichardStallman en parle:

#openmeetings #apache #bigbluebutton #element #matrix #jami #jitsi #linphone #nextcloud #openvidu #signal #wire #vidéoconférence #visioconférence #endtoendencryption #distributed #secure #anonymously #anonymous #privacy #private #security #free/libre #liberty #p2p #peertopeer #encrypted #opensource #alternative #whatsapp #skype