

CODEPINK : "Along with risking greater conflict between the United States and Russia, a U.S. military build-up in the Arctic threatens to exacerbate climate change. "

_US is not looking for domination of the whole world. _

It is just that they want to make sure their almost one trillion dollar budget can be justified and maybe try to hit the 100 bases worldwide.

It all for the greater good. To keep the freedom and democracy in the world guards. Except for those countries that have oil, or close to US enemies or sitting on minerals US government needs for American Business. Then dictators are ok and freedom is only for the economical activities not political.

It is nice to see CodePink being the only movement who is telling the truth about war hungry madness that exist among world leaders and also connect their criminal activities to green house gasss and climate change.

Sadly they are one of the only ones these days.

#antactica #Pentagon #Russia #WorldDomination #GlobalWarming #PeaceNow #StopNATO
