

Rwanda asylum flight cancelled after legal action | BBC News

The first flight scheduled to take asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda on Tuesday has been cancelled after a last-minute legal battle.
Up to seven people had been expected to be removed to the east African country.
But the flight was stopped after an intervention from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

#politics #UK #refugees #AsylumSeekers #HumanTrafficking #Rwanda #ForeignOffice #PritiPatel



🇺🇸 Menschen, die um ihr Leben rennen, verdienen es, in Sicherheit zu sein, nicht festzusitzen.

Was uns der 'Asylkompromiss' von 1993 ist auf der andern Seite des Atlantiks #Titel42: Das Recht auf Asyl existiert de facto nicht mehr.

✍️ Sign the petition


#SignTheLetter #USSenate #Title42 #AsylumSeekers #TheUnitedStates #AsylumSystem #Title42 #EndTitle42


⛲ Endlich! Nach 17 Tagen ohne ordnungsgemäßen Zugang zu fließendem Wasser haben #RefugeesGR im geschl. CCAC auf #Samos🇬🇷 endlich wieder dauerhaften Zugang.

via @AdvocacySamos




This is what you apparently get when your government cares more about "stopping the boats" than any humanitarian duty to those in the boats. Apparently you put them all into a substandard life boat and cast them back to sea. This makes no sense at all.

Asylum seeker lifeboats stripped of their safety equipment | World news | theguardian.com - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/07/asylum-seeker-lifeboats-stripped-of-their-safety-equipment -

#asylumseekers #Australia #refugees #social-justice #injustice #boats #Indonesia