

Come on #Brits, we need to take back our country from the corrupt & wicked élite and make #Britain #GreatBritain again! In the words of #Shelley written after the notorious #PeterlooMassacre in #Manchester, when #UKGov sent in armed cavalry into an unarmed peaceful protest of #Mancunians, slaughtering men, wimmin & children just because they dared to #protest. Does that ring any bells in re #PritiPatel’s #AntiProtestBill ?

“Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!"

From “Masque of Anarchy”


Rwanda asylum flight cancelled after legal action | BBC News

The first flight scheduled to take asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda on Tuesday has been cancelled after a last-minute legal battle.
Up to seven people had been expected to be removed to the east African country.
But the flight was stopped after an intervention from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

#politics #UK #refugees #AsylumSeekers #HumanTrafficking #Rwanda #ForeignOffice #PritiPatel



Meinung: Julian Assange - Gradmesser für die Pressefreiheit | DW | 18.05.2022

Priti Patel kann jetzt die Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die USA verfügen. Doch sie sollte den Wikileaksgründer freilassen. Seine Verfolgung untergräbt die moralische Autorität des Westens, meint Matthias von Hein.#JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Großbritannien #PritiPatel #USA #JoeBiden #Investigativ #Journalismus #Pressefreiheit
Meinung: Julian Assange - Gradmesser für die Pressefreiheit | DW | 18.05.2022


New bill quietly gives powers to remove British citizenship without notice | Home Office | The Guardian

Individuals could be stripped of their British citizenship without warning under a proposed rule change quietly added to the nationality and borders bill.

Maya Foa, the director of Reprieve, said: “This clause would give Priti Patel unprecedented power to remove your citizenship in secret, without even having to tell you, and effectively deny you an appeal. Under this regime, a person accused of speeding would be afforded more rights than someone at risk of being deprived of their British nationality. This once again shows how little regard this government has for the rule of law.

Nationalism at the heart of the UK government.

#UK #politics #HomeOffice #PritiPatel #citizenship #refugees #RightWing #IfYouDontWantToBeCalledANaziDontActLikeOne



Priti Patel to take over security minister brief on permanent basis | UK security and counter-terrorism | The Guardian

The home secretary, Priti Patel, is to take on the security minister’s responsibilities permanently after James Brokenshire left the portfolio last month, according to reports.

What could possibly go right?

#politics #UK #HomeOffice #PritiPatel #security #Tories

