

Peers know the Rwanda bill is flawed and dangerous. We must use every power to oppose it

First, the Home Office minister, Lord Sharpe, revealed that about 55,000 asylum applications were lodged in the last nine months of 2023. Second, ministers failed to deny reports that Rwanda has agreed to take just 300 refugees in the first three years of the scheme’s operation.

The scheme would also be astronomically expensive: the National Audit Office puts the costs at £541m. The cost for each refugee sent to Rwanda would be about £1.8m over three years. As Lord Carlile has observed, it would be cheaper to put them up at the Ritz.

#Guardian #UK #Migration #Rwanda


This is so surreal: US asks #China to tell #Russia to ask #Iran not to retaliate against #Israel!

When Iraqi/Syrian resistance attacked the illegal occupation forces of US in Syria and killed 3 of the occupation forces, #US retaliated by attacking 28 sites of various groups, completely unrelated to that attack and blamed Iran for the attacks and sent warning to #Iran to stop harassing Americans in occupied #Syria, 7000 miles away from American borders.

Almost 2 weeks ago, Israel bombs, destroyed and in the prices killed 7 members of Iranian revolutionary guards inside Iranian consulate in Damascus.
The US, UK, France, Canada and other moral guardians of law and order, not only did not condemn the attack, but now trying to create a protective umbrella around the genocidal regime of Israel and the media is playing along with the usual words we have heard so many times before "Israel has the right to defend itself".

I despise the regime of Iran and any member of #IRGC, they are the reason I left my country almost 40 years ago and been fighting to expose their crimes against the people of Iran ever since. But that does not mean I accept the criminal actions of state of Israel against the Iranian consulate or the sites of IRGC who are helping Syria fight ISIS and the plan of #Obama/ #Clinton to turn Syria into another #Libya in the evil quest to crush EU's economy and destroy all secular regimes in the Arab world.

I hate myself for defending them, I hate myself trying to condemn their death, I would have loved to see every single one of them rot in jail for what they had done to my country, but sadly, they were killed by an even bigger evil, the one who wants to dominate the region, if not the world and will do what ever it pleases, without the fear of being held accountable and for some reason, the entire "civilized" world standing beside it and supporting it.

I don't know what will come out of this current escalation of the conflict, I don't know if IRI will attack Israel directly or not, and I don't know if Israel will ever dare to retaliate by bombing different facilities deep inside Iran.

But one thing I know for sure, The feeling of despair and helplessness I felt in the summer of 94, when I spent my entire vacation and almost all my savings on phone and fax and travel to get the Swedish and European politicians to react and to stop the ongoing genocide in #Rwanda , the joy I felt when I heard #France had send troops to Rwanda and thought that they could be a force of good, something that others would follow, then later realize that the French did not go in to stop the Genocide, but to take those who were responsible for it to safety and away from the advancing rebels. That feeling of betrayal and helplessness is nothing like what I am feeling right now.

Back in 94, we had very limited internet access, BBS and some low speed text based web site and some low quality images wer al we had, and it wasn't until a group of reporters from CNN finally entered Zaire and showed the misery of millions of fleeing Rwandans and the testimonies of some of the victims plus some horrifying videos of the reporters who managed to smuggle the tapes out and show the world what was happening there, that the 3 major powers, US, UK and France who were strongly objecting a UN action there, finally gave up to the public pressure and changed the history and made themselves look like the saviors of the people of Rwanda and those who finally ended the ongoing Genocide there. And I went back to work, tired, angry and broken and decided to stop caring and focus on my life for a while because the evil among those in power was way too overwhelming for a man who had no power or will left to fight any more.

The Gaza catastrophe is different, unlike Rwanda, we have been able to see it live, every day, every minute and every second what is going on. We have seen tanks blow up unarmed civilians, we have seen apartment complexes full of innocent people blown up to dust right in front of our eyes, we have seen toddlers covered with the blood of their parents cry and some of them die right while we watch them on our TikTok, YouTube and Telegram posts.But just like Rwanda, no one cares, and unlike Rwanda, people actually punishing those who care, putting them in prison, firing them from their jobs, cutting their livelihood and calling them supporters of terrorism because they just don't want to see innocent children die.

And then we have the enemy of the civilized world, Iran, the best country to target so we can justify our unconditional support of the most right wing, out of control, racist and horrible regime in Israel's modern history.

And as I predicted right after the Israeli attack against Iranian consulate, the good old defenders of law and order, the leaders of the free world and the guardians of what is right in our world are all united to stand beside Israel's right to "defend itself".

As an old friend used to say it, "it is like the whole neighborhood standing up against the father of a raped child, who fell victim of a serial rapist, a bully and a pedophile, the one they KNOW is guilty,but still chose to protect because the victim is an outsider, it is not one of them and they can just can't allow him to be held accountable for what he has done".


Alle asielzoekers voortaan naar Afrika!

Carolien Roelants (NRC)

Toevallig zag ik dat Cyprus Syrische vluchtelingen naar Syrië wil terugsturen, en dat bracht me op het pad van asielzoekers die, als het aan een toenemend aantal regeringen dan wel politieke partijen en wensdenkers ligt, naar Afrika worden verscheept. Rwanda wordt vaak genoemd. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Carolien Roelants
Carolien Roelants

Dat ligt een beetje anders met Israëlische ministers en gelijkgezinden die, ook uit humanitaire overwegingen, zeggen ze, „vrijwillige migratie” van Palestijnen uit de Gazastrook voorstaan. ‘Anders’ in de zin dat eenmaal weg, ze niet terug zullen mogen. Als de oorlog ooit eindigt, zal immers de Gazastrook zo goed als onbewoonbaar zijn, is het argument. (...)

Wie de Israëlische oorlog tegen Hamas volgt, weet dat er inderdaad heel weinig overblijft van woningen en infrastructuur, al dan niet met „vrijwillige migratie” als welkome bijvangst. De Hebreeuwse zuster van The Times of Israel meldde recentelijk dat er contacten waren met Congo over „vrijwillige migratieplannen”; de Israëlische nieuwszender i24News noemde ook Tsjaad en Rwanda. (...)

Wat ook niet mag maar toch wel is besproken in Duitsland: de deportatie van miljoenen mensen van niet-Duitse afkomst, onder wie asielzoekers, „niet-geassimileerde burgers” en zelfs mensen die vluchtelingen helpen (iemand als ik bijvoorbeeld die taalles geeft). Ook naar Afrika, in dit geval Noord-Afrika. (...) Volgens Correctiv was er twijfel aan de uitvoerbaarheid, niet aan de wenselijkheid. En ik voeg eraan toe dat de AfD net als de PVV hier snel aan populariteit wint.

Ik wil niet zeggen dat de innige wens van de Britse Conservatieve regering om asielzoekers naar Rwanda te verschepen, die wordt gedeeld door een ruime meerderheid in het Nederlandse parlement en de Deense regering, hiermee te vergelijken is. Nee zeg! Hoewel; Iraanse of Afghaanse vluchtelingen naar een Ter Apel midden in Afrika sturen, dat is evengoed een uitdrukking van een steeds guurder klimaat ten aanzien van vluchtelingen en andere migranten. (...)

Terug naar Cyprus. Syrië is geen Afrika, maar het veilig verklaren van Syrië komt uit datzelfde gure klimaat voort. Syrië is niet veilig. (...)

Asielzoekers vormen maar een fractie van het aantal migranten dat in beweging is en waarover informateur Ronald Plasterk met regeringspartijen-in-spe in conclaaf is. Hier in Nederland ruwweg zo’n 11 procent. Naar Afrika mag ook al niet van de EU-regels. Ik ben benieuwd wat er voor onvriendelijk alternatief uit de bus komt.

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Tags: #nederlands #nederland #immigratie #migranten #asielzoekers #vluchtelingen #deportatie #gaza #palestina #israel #rwanda #afd #pvv #afrika


Israeli media reports that, #Israel engages in negotiations with #Chad and #Rwanda to facilitate the forced displacement of Palestinians from #Gaza

I'm sure the liberal supporters of Israel will still defend Israel unconditionally and call those accusing Israel of plans for ethnic cleansing for "anti-semites".

It's really sickening that people still believe Israel has any moral grounds in their actions against Palestinians.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #EthnicCleansing