

German memory culture, anti-Semitic Zionists and Palestinian liberation

Germany’s much lauded ‘memory culture’ is pure, empty, self-congratulatory propaganda.

Rachael Shapiro — Anti-Zionist Jewish activist based in Berlin

Published On 1 Mar 20241 Mar 2024

I am a #Jewish #pro-Palestine solidarity activist originally from the #NewYork area and now based in #Berlin. My #grandmother was a #Holocaust survivor from #Cologne who fled to the #UnitedStates during the Second World War at the age of 16. Her parents and much of her family were murdered during the Holocaust. I came “back” to #Germany about five years ago, a decision born largely out of the desire for intergenerational healing for me and for my grandmother, who was alive at the time. I learned German and was able to speak to her in her native language in the last few years of her life. I told her stories about living in Germany, she met some of my friends and she was grateful for the ways in which the country and its people had apparently evolved and atoned for their ugly history.

I am glad she died before I had the opportunity to recognise what a naive, idealistic delusion this was.

In the past few years as I have educated myself, become active in the movement for #Palestinian #liberation and extracted myself from the extreme #Zionist conditioning and #brainwashing baked into the fabric of my upbringing, my appreciation for German “Erinnerungskultur” (“memory culture”) has steeply devolved into the realisation that the entire concept is pure, empty, self-congratulatory propaganda. It is grounded in the intentional, racist displacement of anti-Semitism and responsibility for the Holocaust from the Germans who perpetuated it to the #Arabs, #Muslims and, above all, the #Palestinians, who they now demonise and scapegoat as a deflection and distraction.

A documentary from 1985, Ma’loul Celebrates Its Destruction, provides an account of the destruction of entire villages during the 1948 #Nakba. In it, an interviewer says to a Palestinian man who was displaced: “But they killed six million Jews.” His rightful response is, “Did I kill them? Those who killed them must be held accountable. I haven’t hurt a fly.” The fact that a truth this fundamental has been so deeply buried in the language of “complexity” and “conflict” is a testament to the commitment and breadth of the imperialist narrative disseminated by Israel, the #US and #Germany (and the #West in general). Meanwhile, more than 90 percent of all anti-Semitic incidents in Germany are attributable to the #far-right despite the media’s rampant efforts to ignore statistics, skew the reality of the violence and racism directed at Palestinians, and disguise the true apathy towards the so-called “fight against anti-Semitism”.

While actual incidents of anti-Semitism go largely unpunished, those of us standing in solidarity with Palestine are accustomed to brutal, state-sanctioned violence, repression and surveillance from police and the German government in response to peaceful #protests and #boycotts. This has intensified massively since the #genocide in #Gaza began in October, regularly under the guise of accusations of anti-Semitism and “Judenhass” (“hatred of Jews”). We are accordingly committed to remaining loud and visible, including through our refusal to be excluded from the fight against rising fascism and the extreme-right Alternative for Germany party ( #AfD ).

On February 3, I attended an #anti-AfD demonstration in Berlin as part of the pro-Palestinian bloc with the revolutionary #Marxist group #Sozialismus #von #Unten (“Socialism from Below”), in which I am an active member. I had quite a bit of trepidation about going to this protest after the violent, racist and disturbing experiences of my Palestinian and pro-Palestinian comrades at anti-AfD protests over the past few weeks. Folks protesting the AfD while showing solidarity with Palestine have been ruthlessly harassed, attacked, reported to the police and violently removed by both demonstrators and cops all over Germany.

In general, the #mood was positive, and there seemed to be more of a tangible solidarity in comparison with the earlier demonstrations. I stood with a sign that read, “ #Juedin #gegen die #AfD und #Zionismus, #fuer ein #freies #Palaestina” (“ #Jew #against the #AfD and #Zionism, #for a #free #Palestine”). We handed out flyers encouraging a strategic and systematic mobilisation against the AfD. We spoke to demonstrators about the link between fighting fascism and fighting for Palestinian liberation. We explained that Palestinians in Palestine are currently suffering under the fascist policies we are demonstrating against in Germany, and in Germany, Palestinians and those standing in solidarity with them are already experiencing the concrete infringement and denial of #fundamental #human #rights ( #freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly). We emphasised the importance of unconditional, #international #solidarity.

Some were cautious about engaging, ostensibly out of concern for being viewed as anti-Semitic, but many were curious, interested and open to learning. As much as the mainstream media have tried to distort and mangle news of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, a recent poll showed that among German voters, only 25 percent answered in the affirmative when asked if they believe Israel’s attacks on Gaza are justified; 61 percent believe they are not. The latter cohort was clearly represented at the demonstration.

After about an hour, I came into contact with a representative of the 25 percent of that poll. An older German man with an aggressive expression approached me, stopped in front of me and half-shouted, “So what do you think the #similarities are #between the #AfD and #Israel?” I could tell he had no intention of engaging in a reasonable conversation but nonetheless began trying to explain. After a few words, he rolled his eyes and spat at me.

It is hard to describe the particular shade of red I saw, the sourness of the blood pumping to my head, the bitterness of the fury on my tongue. It looked like the lifeless faces of my great-grandparents at the mercy of #Nazis, deported and murdered in the #Warsaw #Ghetto as they have appeared in my dreams since I was a child. It felt like the fierceness with which I will unconditionally defend the Palestinian resistance, the right of every people to resist their oppressor in any single form, until my last breath. It tasted like the rage and incredulity that have boiled in the corners of all of our mouths as we scream at the top of our lungs, watching the world passively observe the slaughter of Palestinian men, women and children for more than four and a half months – silent, complicit and accompanied by the relentless echo of more than #75 #years of #occupation, #apartheid, #theft, #ethnicCleansing, #lies, #dehumanisation and unforgivable #injustice.

I ran after the man, shouting at him that my family was murdered because of fascism during a genocide – in response to which he spat at me again.

He goaded me: “What do you know? The AfD is a fascist party. What does that have to do with Israel?” I began to state the obvious – “Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza as we speak …” – but didn’t finish my sentence before he spat in my face for a third time.

As I was shaking, incensed and disgusted, my final comment was, “You are clearly an anti-Semite.” Up to this point in the interaction, he had been condescending and full of contempt, but (as I knew it would) this final shot sent him into a blind rage. As I turned and walked away, he shrieked: “WHAT did you say to me?”

A friend of mine recently said to me, “The #Germans will #never #forgive the #Jews for the #Holocaust.” These words have rung in my ears and sat in my chest with nowhere in particular to go, a hard, ugly truth at the core of German society that precisely reflects my experience living in it. It is bewildering, it is comical, and it is accurate.

From the neo-Nazis of the AfD to “anti-Deutsche” leftists who claim to be combatting German anti-Semitism by obsessively and unconditionally supporting Zionism, many of today’s Germans are brimming with repressed rage towards Jews. Whether they are aware of it or not, this is resoundingly apparent in the deep, hysterical hypocrisy of a reaction such as that of the man at the demonstration – spitting in a Jewish person’s face for standing against fascism and genocide on the basis of her personal, generational relationship to fascism and genocide and becoming enraged at being identified as an anti-Semite accordingly.

This fury is seemingly a reaction to the “injustice” of Germans having to repent for the actions of their ancestors, something they have been widely celebrated for on the global stage. The #resentment takes the form of #narrowmindedness and #bigotry: The only acceptable concepts of #Judaism, #Jewish people and “Jewish life” are those they themselves, #non-Jewish Germans, explicitly sign off on. (Refer to the “anti-Semitism commissioners” claiming to represent the interests of Jewish people in Germany – not a single one of whom is Jewish or an expert in any relevant or related field.) For many Germans, the only palatable Judaism is Zionism, which in fact is no kind of Judaism at all. When forced to contend with perspectives in conflict with this toxic narrative or with Jewishness that doesn’t align with their understanding of it, their anger surfaces violently, explosively. “Anti-Deutsche” weaponise the fetishisation of Jews through their obsessive Zionism to an extreme degree, spearheading aggressive hate and smear campaigns against those who do not share their views (including anti-Zionist Jewish people). How dare anyone, most of all Jews, call into question the authority of Germans in defining and relating to Judaism, anti-Semitism and genocide.

The sick, decades-long collaboration between Israel and Germany and the widespread assertion that Israel’s security is “Germany’s reason of state”(“Staatsraeson”), which upholds Zionist socialisation in the interests of political, racist ends, has created an atmosphere of fear, shame, guilt and ultimately self-righteousness that permeates much of German society. It punishes questions, dissuades education and quashes the necessary understanding of Judaism as a broad, differentiated and historically diasporic culture that existed long before Zionism – and will exist long after.

This designation of all Jews and all Judaism as a single uniform entity, necessarily speaking the same language (modern Hebrew), holding the same values (Zionism) and sharing an identical culture (which in Germany, must be determined by Germans), is, in fact, the precise definition of #anti-Semitic, #Nazistic #racial #segregation and the othering, dehumanising rhetoric they employed in its service. The rigid and inherently anti-Semitic conception of Jews as an undifferentiated people “native” to one land, characterised by the nationalist settler-colonial Zionist movement, has merely served as a #continuation of #Hitler’s #work. It has erased secular Judaism in Europe. It has #eradicated the #Yiddish, #Ladino, #Judeo-Arabic, #Judeo-Persian and #other #Hebraic #languages. Eighty years after the Holocaust, it has succeeded in upholding the view of Jews as a monolith, a foreign nuisance separate from German society, the attempted annihilation of whom can now be exploited to justify the annihilation of another group.

The #tradition of #policing #Jewishness has been passed down in Germany for generations now, which, as in the case of the man at the anti-AfD demonstration, revolves not just around an established, homogenous definition of Jews but, crucially, also the exclusive right and obligation of the Germans to dictate it.

So what are we left with? I believe we can see it in our aforementioned statistic. The majority of Germans know, despite what they have been raised and conditioned to believe, that at the very least, what is going on in Gaza is wrong. Many can see that there is something significant and conspicuous missing in the mainstream narrative around anti-Semitism, Israel and Palestine. I would venture that the majority of those in the streets marching against the AfD are doing it because they genuinely want to stand on the right side of history. Meanwhile, what is in reality a minority is simply louder, angrier and more visible in propagating their anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian racism, anti-Semitism and pro-genocide views and, in being so, intimidate the rest into docile silence.

#No #one in the mainstream German #media has reported on my experience at the anti-AfD protest. Given the cultural context, this is not a surprise. But highlighting this hypocrisy and the prevailing, ever-more destructive narratives illustrated by such an incident represents a powerful opportunity for education and empowerment. Calling out the root causes and social backdrop of this moment make them available and necessary for all to grapple with. As so many are stepping into the streets, it is our responsibility to arm them with the facts as fuel, to enable every single person to raise their voice and know decisively what they speak for and what they speak against. We will continue – with more resolve than ever – in the fight for a free Palestine and in mobilising in this way against racism, Zionism, (actual) anti-Semitism, fascism and genocide. We will repeat it again and again until the rhythm of our words becomes the heartbeat of a society that attempts to snuff out our resistance but will ultimately fail at doing so: Never again means never again for anybody.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.


Affaire Théo : on vous raconte toute l'histoire

Alt: https://piped.smnz.de/watch?v=xKaeCEW2-PA

LA GRANDE HISTOIRE. C'est une affaire qui est devenue l'un des symboles des violences policières… Cette semaine dans La grande histoire, Hugo Baiardi raconte les dessous de l'affaire Théo, victime d'un coup de matraque qui l'a laissé handicapé à vie.

#injustice #racisme #matraque #jugement #AffaireThéo #violencespolicières #bavurepolicière


$8.6 Million #Shell #Lawsuit Threatens #Greenpeace's Ability to #Protest

Source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/greenpeace-shell-lawsuit

"I will stand up in scourt and fight this; and if Shell refuses to stop #drilling, I refuse to stop fighting for #climate #justice," one #activist named in the #suit said.

The most powerful have always tried to abuse the law for their own purposes in order to prevent protests against #injustice. This has forced the protest #movement into the #underground and strengthened #resistance. In the French #Revolution, the powerful were ultimately surprised by the pent-up #anger against the abuse of the #law.

#politics #economy #news #problem #activism #environment #nature #oil #fossil #fuel #future #earth #finance #money #capitalism


#news #Palestine #Israël #guerre #massacre #guérilla #extermination #vengeance #représailles #espoir #mytex #mywork #désespoir #injustice #hypocrisie #cynisme

Si l’oppression, l’injustice, les massacres n’ont pas de frontière, que dire de l’hypocrisie et du cynisme. C’est une évidence, comme le disait Aragon : « Que le sang sèche vite en rentrant dans l’histoire ! » Une guerre, un massacre après l’autre, les condamnations, les exigences, les réprobations et les lamentations officielles entérinées, les victimes enterrées. Le bilan des pertes établi. Les ennemis désarmés, jugés pour crime de guerre, crime contre l’humanité, génocide…La paix et la réconciliation, jusqu’au siècle dernier, clôturaient, pour un certain temps les hostilités. La tradition respectée on pouvait passer à autre chose, construire entre autre des mausolées. Aujourd’hui malgré la « dissuasion atomique », les exigences des instances internationales, les requêtes des ONG, les condamnations de l’opinion publique, les combats s’enlisent dans une guérilla permanente, les populations subissent, l’horreur succède à l’horreur. Face aux multiples bellicistes engagés et aux implications diverses et souvent sordides, les peuples s’insurgent, mais sont-ils entendus ? Sont-ils pris en compte ? Ont-ils une quelconque importance face à l’hégémonie d’intérêts contradictoires ? Que faire après ces constatations désespérantes ? Ajouter mon indignation aux autres ? Je suis du bon côté, celui de la démocratie, je peux «normalement» manifester…pétitionner, parler, écrire, échanger…voter. Cela a t’il eu un résultat probant sur l’étendue du désastre ? Le découragement, l’impuissance, je n’ose dire la lassitude m’accablent…et après… Poussé à l’extrême jusqu’à quel point puis-je m’accoutumer et vivre avec l’inacceptable, l’ignominie à ma porte, quand même l’espoir devient indécent ?
Mireille MOUTTE


#news #Palestine #Israël #guerre #massacre #guérilla #extermination #vengeance #représailles #espoir #mytex #mywork #désespoir #injustice #hypocrisie #cynisme

Si l’oppression, l’injustice, les massacres n’ont pas de frontière, que dire de l’hypocrisie et du cynisme. C’est une évidence, comme le disait Aragon : « Que le sang sèche vite en rentrant dans l’histoire ! » Une guerre, un massacre après l’autre, les condamnations, les exigences, les réprobations et les lamentations officielles entérinées, les victimes enterrées. Le bilan des pertes établi. Les ennemis désarmés, jugés pour crime de guerre, crime contre l’humanité, génocide…La paix et la réconciliation, jusqu’au siècle dernier, clôturaient, pour un certain temps les hostilités. La tradition respectée on pouvait passer à autre chose, construire entre autre des mausolées. Aujourd’hui malgré la « dissuasion atomique », les exigences des instances internationales, les requêtes des ONG, les condamnations de l’opinion publique, les combats s’enlisent dans une guérilla permanente, les populations subissent, l’horreur succède à l’horreur. Face aux multiples bellicistes engagés et aux implications diverses et souvent sordides, les peuples s’insurgent, mais sont-ils entendus ? Sont-ils pris en compte ? Ont-ils une quelconque importance face à l’hégémonie d’intérêts contradictoires ? Que faire après ces constatations désespérantes ? Ajouter mon indignation aux autres ? Je suis du bon côté, celui de la démocratie, je peux «normalement» manifester…pétitionner, parler, écrire, échanger…voter. Cela a t’il eu un résultat probant sur l’étendue du désastre ? Le découragement, l’impuissance, je n’ose dire la lassitude m’accablent…et après… Poussé à l’extrême jusqu’à quel point puis-je m’accoutumer et vivre avec l’inacceptable, l’ignominie à ma porte, quand même l’espoir devient indécent ?
Mireille MOUTTE


The justice system in Iran has some unique and infuriating track record that is still going on, despite the media lack of interest in the victims of this so called justice system.

Mostafa Karim Beighi. Was one of the victims of 2019 uprising in Iran who was killed by the IRI security police.

His parents never gave up fighting to clear the name of their child and demand justice for the person or those responsible for his murder. And in a post on Instagram, he wrote:

these are hard days to be a father, they kill your son, and when father demand justice, they put him in prison without any charges.

The post is in support of Mashallah Karami father of Mohammad Mehdi Karami, one of those executed by the regime after last year's protest.

محمد کریم‌بیگی، پدر مصطفی کریم‌بیگی از کشته‌شدگان اعتراضات ۸۸ با حمایت از ماشاالله کرمی، پدر محمدمهدی کرمی، معترض اعدام‌شده، در اینستاگرام نوشت: «این روزها چه سخت است پدر بودن، فرزند را بکشند و پدر را به‌جرم دادخواهی زندانی کنند. آقا ماشاالله جرمی مرتکب نشده، آزادش کنید.»
#Iran #Justice #Execution #DeathPenalty #Injustice #Politics #HumabRights


The life of Abbas Deris, political prisoner who has been in jail since October 2019 is in danger.

He was caught during the 2019 protests and was sentenced to death as "Mohareb" (person at war with stare).

His sentence was sent to the highest court of IRI and the reports say that it was approved. But his family say that neither him nor his lawyer were informed of the final sentence and still waiting for the official judgment.

#AbbasEdris #DeathPenalty #Politics #IranProtests #IRI #stopExecutionsInIran #IRI #Injustice


16 years old Farhad Navaii who was caught by IRI security forces during the protests in Mahabad city of Kurdistan province was given 2 years "conditional" prison sentence which means the terms of the sentence can be changed during the 2xyeaes he is in prison, not including the months he was kept in detention.

The young student #FadhadNavaii has been in detention for over 8 months and been under physical and psychological torture to admit to crimes he didn't commit.

محکومیت فرهاد نوایی، دانش‌آموز اهل #مهاباد به دو سال حبس تعزیری

فرهاد_نوایی، دانش‌آموز ۱۶ ساله اهل شهرستان مهاباد که از هشت ماه قبل در جریان جنبش ژن، ژیان، ئازادی بازداشت شده بود به زندان محکوم شد. بر اساس گزارشات منتشر شده فرهاد توسط دادگاه کیفری ویژه نوجوانان استان آذربایجان غربی در مهاباد به دو سال حبس محکوم شده است

#Iran #Politics #Injustice #ChildPrisoner #PoliticalPrisoner #Iran,protests sIranUprisizing #Kurdistan #Mahabad #FarhadNavaii #IRI


What would you do with a parasite that can't live without your help, but which has vowed to destroy you if it's allowed to live?

Why are we letting red state welfare oligarchs mooch off of blue states?

FTA: America is rapidly bifurcating — becoming two nations — and one of the main drivers of the process is a federal system that encourages Red states to mooch off Blue states, using essentially stolen tax money to reinvent the old Confederacy, “own the libs,” and wage “war on woke.” [emphasis mine]

Most Red states have become oligarchic white supremacist medieval-like fiefdoms with obscene levels of often multigenerational wealth at the top, extreme poverty at the bottom, and working people, women, and minorities kept in subordinate roles through explicit government and corporate policy.

Is the following a description of the USA or of a backward country run by a ruthless dictator? (Hint: "All of the above" is an acceptable answer.)

... Fewer than 2000 families — six-tenths of one percent of the Southern population — owned more than 50 enslaved people [is this supposed to read, "50% of enslaved people"?] and ruled the oligarchy that we call the Confederacy with an iron fist. The 75 percent of white people in the South during that era who did not own any enslaved persons generally lived in deep poverty.

Women had no rights, queer people were routinely tortured and murdered, education for both enslaved Africans and poor whites was generally outlawed, religious attendance was often mandated, and hunger and disease stalked all but those in the families of the two thousand morbidly rich planter dynasties. [<-- I object to the use of the past tense in these sentences. They should read, "Women have no rights, queer are routinely tortured, education... is generally outlawed, religious attendance is mandated, and hunger and disease stalk..." All these horrors are true of red states in the 2020s.]

The list of damning facts goes on and on. You should read the whole article. America's red states -- roughly half the country -- have fully embraced fascism, whether the rubes realize it or not. (That's the great thing about rubes: They never realize anything.) I concluded decades ago that I could never live in a red state (even though I grew up in Virginia, a state that wavers between red and purple). And red states have only grown orders of magnitude worse since then.

Meanwhile, many red-staters openly wish for another Civil War, or at least for the red and blue states to go their separate ways. I say, Let them go, let them live for a while with their choices, let them turn into the third-world shit-hole of their fantasies, then invade them and install sane governments. Right-wing nut jobs know how to talk to the rubes, but they don't know how to build nukes, or power stations, or water purification, etc. Hell, for all their pro-capitalist bluster, they don't even know how to keep themselves solvent. (Hence the need for us to put them on financial life support one our dime.)

They can't live without us. We are under no obligation to keep them alive. They wish to destroy us. Draw your own conclusion.

#RedVsBlue #Injustice #WeDontNeedThem



Bourgeoisie - Histoire de ta bêtise

S’adressant à l’électeur d’Emmanuel Macron, François #Bégaudeau fait la somme des aveuglements qui le font se prendre pour un #progressiste de pointe là où il n’est qu’un #conservateur de base.

Tu es un bourgeois.
Mais le propre du #bourgeois, c’est de ne jamais se reconnaître comme tel.
Petit test :

Tu votes toujours au second tour des élections quand l’extrême droite y est qualifiée, pour lui faire barrage.
Par conséquent, l’abstention te paraît à la fois indigne et incompréhensible.
Tu redoutes les populismes, dont tu parles le plus souvent au pluriel.
Tu es bien convaincu qu’au fond les extrêmes se touchent.
L’élection de Donald Trump et le Brexit t’ont inspiré une sainte horreur, mais depuis lors tu ne suis que d’assez loin ce qui se passe aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne.
Naturellement tu dénonces les conflits d’intérêts, mais tu penses qu’en voir partout relève du complotisme.
Tu utilises parfois (souvent ?) dans une même phrase les mots racisme, nationalisme, xénophobie et repli sur soi.
Tu leur préfères définitivement le mot ouverture.

Si tu as répondu oui au moins une fois, ce livre parle de toi.
Prends le risque de l’ouvrir.

Oui, jamais les #inégalités dont tu profites, toi le #bobo, ne seront ton sujet de discussion.
Si tu es choqué des #émeutes de ces derniers jours, toi qui profite de la vie à l'abri dans tes beaux quartiers... C'est que tu vis dans le monde des #bobos. Et le contraste devient de plus en plus saisissant : confort et fête dans un quartier, et dans la même ville, émeutes dans le quartier d'à côté.

Ce qui m'amuse (si je puis dire), c'est que ce n'est que le début. Et ce contraste ne pousse les bobos, qu'à profiter encore plus, se disant qu'il faut vivre sa #vie et blabla... ce qui pousse encore plus à l' #injustice, et créé encore plus un contexte explosif....

Attention, car le #précipice arrive pour tous.... mais comme il y a toujours une #justice, il sera perçu comme bien plus gigantesque par certains... #contraste finalement inversé, oui...
Que ne ferait-on pas pour nier l'évidence, le #déni à l’œuvre dans toute sa splendeur, qui pousse certains encore plus au #racisme, car c'est finalement de la même veine... tant la #politique de Macron est devenue identique à celle de #Salvini en #Italie, s'agissant de l' #immigration (cf un professeur d'université en Suisse)...

La #bourgeoisie, c'est la #droite, libérale ou conservatrice, mais qui veut maintenir ses #privilèges. Et s'il faut être #raciste pour cela...
C'est assez comique, les partisans #FN #RN #Zemmour qui se la jouent opposants à #Macron, non ? Quand, en fait, ils sont main dans la main...


et #Collapse #Effondrement #EnMarche ... #BAU #BusinessAsUsual #MIT


The political prisoner Hamin Mostafaii was killed in Sanandaj prison in Kurdistan province of Iran, yesterday.

Last night, family members and others were demonstrating against the unjustified murder of him by IRI regime but despite their efforts, the authorities went on to kill him him .

#Iran #Politics #DearhPenalty #Sanandaj #Kuristan #Injustice #StopExecutionsInIran

هیمن مصطفایی اعدام شد

#هیمن_مصطفایی زندانی سیاسی امروز صبح ۳۱ خرداد ۱۴۰۲ اعدام شد. شب گذشته مردم سنندج و جمعیت زیادی که از مریوان به سنندج رفته بودند در مقابل زندان مرکزی سنندج تجمع کرده و تا آخرین لحظه تمام تلاش خود را کردند که هیمن مصطفایی را از اعدام نجات دهند. اما باز عاملان مرگ کار خود را کرده و زندگی انسان دیگری را گرفتند.



A 9 year old boy is the latest victim of the criminal thugs of IRI regime!

The family car was driving on the road when it was hit by over 30 bullets from IRI regime’s security forces who didn’t even warn the driver or tried to stop him.

the father of the victim said that they were on the way home when he suddenly heard machine guns and felt his car was hit and when he stopped, he realized that his 9 year old son sitting nextt to him on their pickup truck was hit and died shortly after that. “Morteza just looked at me with a smile before closed his eyes forever” said the father of the victim.

The police says that they were told that the car was a getaway car from an armed robbery and they did not do anything wrong! But the father says that they were driving on the road between Ahvaz and Shoostar in Khuzestan province of Iran when he saw the police car driving at high speed behind him, he slowed down and was planning to stop to let the car pass when the car was ridden with bullets from 2 police officers pointing their riles out of the window of their car.

So far, neither the police, not the local media has covered this horrible criminal act and the family have asked people on social media to make their voice heard to seek justice for their son.

شلیک مستقیم نیروهای انتظامی به یک وانت‌پراید بدون هشدار قبلی در خوزستان جان کودکی ۹ ساله را گرفت

جعفر دلف‌زرگانی پدر این کودک
ماشین پلیس بدون هیچ هشدار یا اعلام ایست یا آژیر، ماشین را به رگبار بست و تیر به کودک ۹ ساله ما اصابت کرد و در همان لحظه فوت کرد.

وی افزود: به ما گفته شد که قاتل، بازداشت شده است، اما خود ما هنوز مطلع نیستیم که چه کسی بازداشت است و تنها شنیده‌ایم که بازداشت است.

عموی‌ این کودک:
ماشین پلیس بدون هیچ حکم یا دادن ایست یا حتی آژیر یکباره اقدام به رگبار بستن ماشین وانت پراید می‌کند و گلوله به مرتضی ۹ ساله اصابت می‌کند و در همان لحظه فوت کرد.

سرعت ماشینی که کودک در آن بود کم بوده، افزود: زمانی که ماشین کلانتری را پشت سر خود دید، قصد توقف داشت، اما بدون هیچ هشداری و بدون حکم یکباره ماشین به رگبار بسته شد. مرتضی تنها به پدر خود نگاهی کرد، لبخند زد و در جا فوت می‌کند.

دلف‌زرگانی خاطرنشان کرد: این اتفاق در حوالی ساعت پنج عصر روز جمعه ۱۹ خردادماه در جاده اهواز به شوشتر، نرسیده به سه‌راهی دیلم رخ داده است.

#Iran #Crime #Politics #IRI #Injustice #PoliceMurder #Ahvaz #Shoostar #IranProtests


2 Afghan daysorkees suspected to have participated in the terror attacks against Shia pilgrims in Shah Cheragh last year, were executed yesterday.

According to independent sources and their lawyers, there were no proof that the 2 were involved in the terror attacks and they were caught by the police because they were Afghans and ran away when they saw the police and the mob "chasing" the terrorists.

Regime sources say that they were caught on the day of the terrorist attacks by the civilians and the police who chased the "terrorists".

#iran #DearhPenalty #Afghanistan #ShahCheraqh #Terrorism #Injustice #Politics #Racism #IRI

#محمدرامزرشیدی و #نعیمهاشمقتالی دو کارگر افغانستانی را فراموش نکنیم که محکوم به اعدام در ملاعام برای پرونده شاهچراغ شدند.



"We need your help, Don't let them kill us".

Cry for help from 3 prisoners who's lives are at imminent danger.

The telegram channel of IRGC is furious about the post by Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti posting their letter on her Instagram account that has 100s of thousands of followers in Iran and abroad.
Her Instagram account is protected or deleted and can not be accessed any more (https://www.instagram.com/taraneh_alidoosti/). She may face retribution and prison charges for posting that message as interference with judiciary and religious Judges is counter as treason specially when the case receives such large audience).

(From her Wikipedia page)

Taraneh Alidoosti ( Persian: ترانه عليدوستی; born January 12, 1984) is an Iranian actress. She is best known internationally for her role in The Salesman (2016), which won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the 89th Academy Awards.

They are also angry at the judiciary and management of the prison for certifying the letter and allowing it to be sent out "to be used by anti revolutionary forces inside and outside Iran" as they said it.

The 3 were accused of participating in a violent protest that led to the death of some police and Basij members and IRI claims they have undeniable evidence that proves their direct involvement in the attacks that led to their death.

Their lawyers have denied the charges and question the evidence as insufficient and questionable and also claim that many of the reports from other members of the police were fabricated and unreliable.

#Iran #DeathPebalty #StopExecutionsInIran #Taraneh_Alidoosti #Instagram #Politics #Prisoners #Injustice

نوشته ای سه محکوم به اعدام در پرونده ای #خانه_اصفهان‌ از داخل زندان: سلام. از همشهریان و هموطنان عزیز تقاضا دارین نذارید ما را بکشند. ما به یاری شما نیاز داریم. به حمایت شما نیازمندیم.
سعیدیعقوبی #صالح میرهاشمی #مجیدکاظمی#
