

Pour que l'augmentation des inégalités ne soient pas une fatalité, essayons autre chose que l'austérité !
Signez cette Initiative Européenne Citoyenne pour qu'on instaure un revenu de base en Europe !!
Pour les septiques aux voies institutionnelles, une autre approche, l'approche https://monnaie-libre.fr/ me semble très prometteuse pour réduire les inégalités, financer ce qui à du sens et mettre en place un socle monétaire inconditionnel sans attendre l'aval des institutions.
Ceci dit autant ne pas mettre tout ces œufs dans le même panier : le contexte covid et confinement freine les rencontres #monnaie-libre #G1 alors qu'il me semble un contexte favorable pour cette initiative européenne pour un revenu de base inconditionnel. Autant s'en emparer !

#europe #UE #RdB #UCI #MFRB #BIEN #basicincome #revenudebase #revenu-de-base #salaireavie #reseausalariat #monnaielibre


YouTube Accidentally Permanently Terminated My Account

... As far as I can tell, the offending content is our upcoming discussion with special guest Karl Widerquist. In other words, it’s content that doesn’t even exist yet. Karl is a philosophy professor who has been writing about basic income for decades. Perhaps YouTube is employing a Minority-Report-style PreCrime unit that foresees Karl committing an act so heinous as to get the entire channel banned. But I don’t think so. ...


#google #YouTube #googleAreEvil #AccountTermination #BasicIncome #ubi


Basic Income basics: No, it’s not impossible

It would be nice to give people more money, but of course the higher the rates are, the more expensive the entire program is to run. And most of the people who participated in the experiment, in fact everybody, found their incomes increase. The idea was that nobody should be worse off. If people received disability support before they entered the program, they received an extra $6,000 a year. If you were working in a low wage job, your income would certainly increase under the scheme. If you were being supported by the two basic welfare programs in Ontario, your income would increase pretty substantially. And the child benefit of course would pay out on top of that, so there would be no reduction for receiving the child benefit.
#UBI #BasicIncome #welfare