

About 20 million Brits didn't get any of those AZ jabs, whose efficacy is proven to be low (based on this past summer). But the #patent pools and their stakeholders (those standing to profit from it) already leap to more of the same. #billbc should disclose its financial relationship with #billgates at the bottom of every #covid19 article https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/bill-gates-investments-covid/


Most deadly #covid19 (as per deaths!) day today. Figures released a minute ago show we do worst in half a year and a lot worse than the same time one year ago. No wonder #billBC prepared its face-saving propaganda in advance this morning (basically comparing apples to oranges... or summer 2021 to winter 2020-21... like, WTH???)


When it comes to #food prices, #billBC is a megaphone for oligarchs like Heinz. And #billgates with his #patents on the food chain. #bbc isn't a broadcaster for the public but a hostile source of oppressive propaganda against the masses, brainwashing us into thinking we "need to get used to higher food prices" (which billionaires still get richer from). #boycottBBC (pervert Gates will subsidise it regardless)