

Fellows, this is worse than we thought.

#Dystopian #corporate #surveillance threats today come at us from all directions. Companies offer "always-on" devices that listen for our voice commands, and marketers follow us around the web to create personalized user profiles so they can (maybe) show us ads we'll actually click. Now #marketers have been experimenting with combining those web-based and audio approaches to #track #consumers in another disturbingly science fictional way: with #audio #signals your phone can hear, but you can't. And though you probably have no idea that #dog #whistle #marketing is going on, researchers are already offering ways to protect yourself.

How to Block the Ultrasonic Signals You Didn't Know Were Tracking You


Unfortunately, #CNN has dropped out of my #newsfeed as a serious #news source and I will no longer link to them.

What they write there is wrong on so many levels that it is downright cheeky.

Their goal with tracking is to undermine my privacy as much as possible and not to protect it. Then they boldly lie to my face that they want to protect my privacy but I have to deactivating my blocking add-ons for it?

Please don't fall for it and steer clear of websites that lie to you so shabbily!

I use Firefox with "uBlock Origin", "Cookie AutoDelete" and "I don't care about cookies". In my opinion, this is the minimum configuration for safe surfing on the ad-infested Internet. I can no longer take anyone who doesn't like this seriously.

#fail #security #tracking #surveillance #addon #extension #configuration #software #browser #online #web #www #problem #advertisement #surveillance #economy #marketing #error



De 40min à 49min30 : https://yt.artemislena.eu/embed/dVwC-9jQgSA?start=40m&end=49m30 ou https://piped.adminforge.de/embed/dVwC-9jQgSA?start=40m&end=49m30
Extrait de la mise à mort du travail.
Assieds-toi, ça fait mal !

Sans oublier : Les sponsors du #fascisme

Qui sont les sponsors du fascisme en France ? Les voici, en millions d’euros versés, en 2022 :
Carglass (vitres automobiles) : 8,2 millions d’euros versés, en 2022, à CNews.

#Vitre #Automobile #Automobiles #Management #Manager #Clients #Assurances #Voiture #Automobiliste #Exploitation #Travail #Profit #Travailleurs #Salariés #ClientRoi #Productivité #Consommateur #Propagande #Marketing #Publicité #Actionnaires #Bolloré #CNews #Fachos


The #tyranny of the #algorithm: why every #coffee #shop looks the same

Pursuing Instagrammability is a trap: the fast growth that comes with adopting a recognisable template, whether for a physical space or purely digital content, gives way to the daily grind of keeping up posts and figuring out the latest twists of the algorithm – which hashtags, memes or formats need to be followed. Digital platforms take away agency from the #business owners, pressuring them to follow in lockstep rather than pursue their own creative whims.

source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/16/the-tyranny-of-the-algorithm-why-every-coffee-shop-looks-the-same

#instagram #socialMedia #media #internet #follower #economy #Meta #influencer #customer #marketing #problem #fail