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Natives born in #Bharani #Nakshatra are strong, seek happiness through physical activity, are competitive, athletic, growth-oriented, pushing limits, hard-working, resilient, do not quit at the mercy of passions, engaging in desires, attracting the opposite sex, naturally sexual, indulgent, romantic, creating life (children), loyal to loved ones, and take care of the family.

Bharani Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths downwards). In these #nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc. can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: The #Yoni
Yoni is the symbol of Bharani Nakshatra. Yoni means the source. Another meaning of Yoni is animal species.

Deity: The #Yama
The deity of Bharani Nakshatra is the God of death, the Yama, and the symbol is Yoni. #Death is an indication of this cycle’s end, and the Yoni suggests the next #birth. The source of the baby is a mother, and therefore this symbol suggests the mother’s need for the baby.

Characteristics of Bharani Nakshatra in Astrology
The animal of Bharani Nakshatra is the elephant. The elephant is big, bulky, huge, and when elephant runs or stampede, the ground shakes.
An elephant has an excellent memory. Hence, the natives of Bharani Nakshatra will never forget what right or wrong you did to them.
They can take either revenge on you or hug you 30 years later if you meet them by chance.
Elephant is a family animal, and they have partners, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.
When one dies, they all come to the burial ground because elephants actually know how to dig the ground to bury their dead family and relatives on rare occasions.
It is pretty much an animal with a human heart.
They can consume 50 gallons of water and 200-600 pounds of food per day.
They are very protective about everyone they know, not just their own young ones.
Elephants are also known for their beautiful tusks.
A Bharani native is extremely protective of their family and children.
They lash out at anyone trying to come after them for any type of reason.
They usually take time to do their tasks, and in that, they do not like to be disturbed, else they get irritated.
Once you do anything wrong to a Bharani native, they will remind you of what you did to them even after 30 years. They can be your best friend and a close family member at times, but they will give a hint that they didn’t forget what you did to them when they were 8 years old.
Elephants have tusks, which are their teeth; hence, Bharani natives will have quite long teeth and usually some issues with the teeth, which is karma due to what has been happening with an elephant in nature for many years, where people are hurting them for their tusks.
This translate into Bharani natives even having a botched job with a dentist at one point in life where they would have to do several procedures to get their teeth correct.
The element of Bharani is the fire of Yoni. This fire is the fire of destined birth.
It’s the fire of sexual expression when the fire is at its maximum.
Bharani natives are quite restrained in the early part of their life, but when they come into their sexual maturity, they blossom much faster and catch to those who have already blossomed before them.
The Yoni is the gateway of birth and not just a physical private part of a woman.
The other symbolism is the boat, which takes the native into the realm of ancestors on the other side.
Act of sex with a Bharani native is like an anchor for the opposite sex.
They feel fulfilled and attached to the symbolic boat. But due to the devata of Bharani, one usually has some issues with the womb either before or after the birth of a child if Bharani is influenced or aspected by a malefic.
The fire of creation shows a Bharani native is fulfilled through having a child. The womb is the result of Yoni’s presence. The devata of this Nakshatra is the graceful Yama.
He’s the one who takes you in his cradle on his black buffalo to show you the reality of the Universe vs the illusion you were living as a physical body.
Knowing these small facts about Yama, we see that the native is attracted to death, and loves to know what is on the other side.
They even go through near-death and out of body experiences.
Bharani natives always get skin issues in the leg, some form of injury to the leg in their lifetime.
Knowing that Yama is the one who judges us after our death, the Bharani native always judges people and loves being in the place of either being a lawyer or fights for injustice or being in a human resource position where they deal with legal policies, rules and regulations.
Such natives are also attracted to pathology, undertaker and gynaecologist.
Since Yama took a stance against his stepmother, a Bharani native will have a hard time getting along with his mother, especially if she is a stepmother and will also rebel against his father for not seeing what was happening with them.
Yama is about keeping the order in the Universe, following rules and laws.
This can also translate into following a code, whether code of ethics, code of God, cult or government.
You will notice that such people love the Samurai culture of code and love wearing ancient body armours.
The Bharani natives will be interested in studying Indian culture and history alongside, for instance, Mythology.
This interest comes due to the fact that bodies in their culture were mummified as they knew after death and rebirth, the native would come and collect their belongings and their body.
Since these cultures dealt with death in such a mystical and beautiful way, it only relates to honouring Yama.
The ritual of death is one of the most important rituals your body can experience while on this planet.
Whatever culture honour death, it honours Yama.
Shamanism is a big thing with the Bharani natives.
They either take an interest in becoming one or make friends with modern-day shamans.
A Shaman is a person who connects with the dead souls and works in the world of death.
Yama, due to his injury on his leg and his brother, Shani, who gets debilitated in Bharani, both are slow movers.
Since Yama gets delayed due to obstacles in his path, the Bharani natives, too, get delayed in their undertakings and any type of work they take on.
Such people, even if promptly, somehow always are delayed in que.
Sun being the hottest and biggest thing in the sky, shows no one can look into his eyes, or else they go blind.
Bharani natives always, at some point in early childhood, do not look at their father eye-to-eye.
They always either look elsewhere or close their eyes.
They also tend to have very gloomy eyes or eyes with a shadow of darkness around it.
You can easily spot Bharani eyes.
Being the son of Sun, Yama has a great authority, which transpires into human behavior.
Bharani native is all about having the authority.
They sometimes may not even listen to others because they feel their authority is being questioned.
There is always some minor or major issue that occurs at the last minute in whatever task they try to take.
If they start shooting a movie, then on the scheduled day, they would encounter rain on the location set.
If they are lawyers, then last minute, some paperwork or witness might go missing.
Yama is about taking life, taking the soul from human bio-mechanical suit, and transporting it into its true form on the other side. We can see this same behavior in Bharani children where they would say phrases like “all done, I am finished, goodbye, I am done with you, I am finished with you.”
Attributes of Bharani Nakshatra in Astrology
It is possible to have an idea of Bharani Nakshatra’s nature from the nature of Rahu in Astrology, Mangal, and Yama.
Rahu gives extravagant enjoyment of material pleasure and is later on the cause of sorrow.
Mangal gives courage, strength, exaltation, and hope.
Yama gives purity, cleanliness, justice, and integrity.
The sense of restraint is also Yamas’ gift; he is the Lord of Dharma, a stern disciplinarian, a ruthless expositor of truth, and a refuge for kings and law-abiding subjects.
Description of Bharani Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native who has a quietly disposed mind will be unsteady in thinking, be after women, dear to his brothers, self-respected, courageous, helpful to friends, long-lived, and with less number of sons.
According to Jataka Parijata: The native will have a defective limb, will be addicted to another’s wife, be cruel, ungrateful, and will possess wealth.
According to Sage Narada:: The native born in Bharani Nakshatra will be skillful in sexual acts, be truthful, resolute in his undertakings, bereft of sickness, fortunate, and will eat little food.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native makes one carry out one’s determination, is truthful, free from ill health, efficient, and happy.



#birth #death
"No one in the town of Gracie Fields will ever again be able to say they were #born in #Rochdale unless, unfortunately, in a taxi on the way to Bury or on the way to Oldham. We don't even have a postcode. This town, which was once one of the most prosperous in England, is now one of the poorest. Abandoned not just by the government, but abandoned by the mayor of Greater Manchester. Imagine a town where you can't be born. Imagine a town where you can't die.

I garnered more votes than the Conservatives, than Labour, than the Liberal Democrats, than the Reform Party. I just want to say that having given both parties a good spanking on the 29 February, I've got my boots on to give them a good kicking anytime I catch your eye here."

Not a big turnout for #GeorgeGalloway's maiden #speech in Parliament, which speaks volumes. No mention of #Palestine either, except a short reference at the beginning, where he pays tribute to a former MP of Rochdale, Tony Lloyd.


#Music on #Yellow-Magnetic-Seed
#ShockG 8/25/1963 #Birth US rapper and lead vocalist (Digital Underground)

#Shock-G - #CinnamonWaves -

Shock G of Digital Underground has passed away. : r/hiphopheads
23 Apr 2021 ... ... Shock G's Cinnamon Waves is one of my fav hip hop songs of all time, it'll feel even more melancholic after this... RIP.


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#Revati #Nakshatra #constellation is the final stop in the zodiac, right next to the newly included Abhijeet nakshatra. It holds special significance as it’s considered the #birth #star of #Goddess #Laxmi, the deity of prosperity.

This constellation is often referred to as the ‘bringer of light.’ In this context, light symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, spiritual growth, and ultimately, enlightenment. It’s like a guiding star that can lead you from the material world to a metaphysical realm, or simply put, help you find inner enlightenment.

One interesting aspect is that it’s ruled by Mercury, which makes it the last Mercurial constellation. This transition from Mercury’s influence to Jupiter’s wisdom is quite significant. Since all Piscean constellations are ruled by Jupiter, Revathi marks a shift towards acquiring wisdom. It’s also associated with liberation Revati Nakshatra.

If someone has Revati with Ketu in the 11th or 12th house of their birth chart, it’s believed to symbolize liberation from the cycle of birth and death, known as samsara. This is seen as the final incarnation on Earth, indicating spiritual liberation Revati Nakshatra.

The symbol of Revati is a pair of fish, which aligns with Pisces being a water sign. This symbolizes the journey of the human soul in the spiritual realm. Fish also represent fertility and growth, making this Nakshatra a symbol of both endings and new beginnings Revati Nakshatra.

The drum, another symbol of Revati Nakshatra, was historically used by kings and rulers to convey important messages to the masses. In the context of this Nakshatra, it represents communication. People born under Revati often have sociable and pleasing personalities, which can be attributed to this communication symbolism Revati Nakshatra.

Interesting Facts about Revati Nakshatra
Perfect limbs, amicable manners, deep knowledge, wealthy, does not covet the property of others

Nakshatra Meaning: The #nourisher, who offers #guidance and #protection on one’s path
Nakshatra Lord/Swami Grah: #Mercury
Nakshatra Body: Feet, Ankles, Abdomen and Groin
Nakshatra Symbol: Drum for keeping time
Nakshatra Deity: #Pushan – the nurturer protector of flocks and herds
Nakshatra Caste: #Vyshya
Nakshatra Nature: The soft mild and tender ( #Mridu)
Nakshatra Gana: #Deva #Gana (god-like)
Nakshatra Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Pisces sign
Nakshatra Marriage: Auspicious
Nakshatra Translation: The #wealthy one
Nakshatra Controlling Planet: #Mercury
Ruling Deity of Mercury: #Vishnu
Nakshatra Number: 27
Nakshatra Gender: Female
Nakshatra Names letters: The, Tho, Cha, Chi
Nakshatra Lucky letters: D & C
Nakshatra Lucky Colour: Brown
Nakshatra Lucky Stone: #Emerald
Nakshatra Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 5
Nakshatra Common Name: Indian Butter Tree
Nakshatra Astronomical Name: #Zeta #Piscium
Nakshatra Botanical Name: #MadhucaIndica
Nakshatra Element: #Ether
Nakshatra Guna: #Sattwic
Nakshatra Dosha: #Kapha
Nakshatra Bird: #Kestrel
Nakshatra Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Female #Elephant
Nakshatra #Tree: #Madhuka or #Honeytree, #Butter-Tree



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#Shravana #Nakshatra #Constellation is associated with Goddess Parvati, and its ruling planet is Vishnu. It’s considered the #birth star of Goddess #Saraswati, who’s known for education and knowledge. People born under this constellation tend to have a strong inclination towards #learning and gaining knowledge from various sources.

The symbol of the ear in Shravana Nakshatra represents the ability of those born under it to acquire wisdom through listening. It also signifies the importance of #listening to one’s inner voice and using it as a guide for personal growth. The three footprints in the symbol represent the three states of the mind: wakefulness, dream sleep, and deep sleep, all of which symbolize consciousness. These footprints also represent the journey of understanding the material world, the Universe, and the realms beyond Shravana Nakshatra.
Translation: Hearing”, “The one who limps
Symbol: An ear; three footprints in an uneven row; a trident
Lord: Vishnu
Controlling Planet: #Moon
Ruling Deity of Moon: #Parvati
Deity: #Vishnu — the All-Pervasive
Body – VarahaMihira: Ears
Body – Parashara: Lower Belly
Rashi / Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Nature: The #movable or ephemeral ( #Chara)
Ganas: #Deva Gana (God Like)
Mode: #Passive
Constellation: 3
Gender: #Male
Dosha: #Kapha
Element: #Air
Lucky Color: Light Blue
Letter: Ju, Je, Jo, Gha
Lucky letters: K
Lucky Stone: #Pearl
Lucky Numbers: 2 & 22
Animal Symbol: A #Female #Monkey
#Bird Name: #Francolin
#Tree: #SwallowWort, #MilkWeed, #Erukku, #Arka Tree