

Because it's all a power-trip-theater for the mentally numb

Charges dropped against all 57 arrested in connection to UT-Austin pro-Palestinian protest

All charges have been declined against the 57 people arrested in connection to the Wednesday pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas.

The Travis County attorney's office said all 57 arrests, which were all criminal trespassing charges, lacked probable cause.

County Attorney Delia Garza, whose office handles misdemeanor cases, told the American-Statesman on Thursday that her office agreed with defense lawyers that there were "deficiencies" with the probable cause arrest affidavits, which are the documents filled out by law enforcement to justify an arrest. At that time on Thursday, 46 of the 57 had charges declined. ...
Rest of article: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/04/26/ut-austin-pro-palestinian-protest-charges-dropped-against-all-57-people-arrested/73468467007/
#palestine #protest #austin #texas


Schlechter Start

Elon #Musk entwickelt mit seiner Firma #SpaceX am Rand von #Texas #Raketen , die die Menschheit zum #Mars bringen sollen. Das Testgelände lässt jetzt schon #Umweltprobleme und #Zerstörung zurück

#taz #streeck



3 … 2 … 1: Umweltzerstörung! Start einer „Starship“-Rakete in Boca Chica im März 2024


enter image description here


It sure sounds like the #Apocalypse is near. During the #eclipse, trucks can't drive through #Texas and New York is locking down there prisoners. NASA is not only launching rockets at the moon's shadow; they are launching another rocket at a solar flare from Alaska!

Earthquakes hit Taiwan and New Jersey as the planets align for the solar eclipse. A #plague of cicadas are about to erupt and Israel is sacrificing red heifers! What could go wrong? #How will this all affect the economy? Are we also looking at an Economic Armageddon? What would that look like?

The Deep Economic State, Central Banks, The Bank For International Settlements and The Conspiracy Behind It All. How The World’s Most Powerful Central Bankers have met in Secret for almost 100 years planning this Reset. How Quantum Computing could hack the World’s Encryption and bring down the dollar.
#freeman #freezone


Look at the SIZE of this #solar #panel #farm. (Jeez.) And look what happened.
enter image description here

The text:
#Huge #Hailstorm in Damon, #Texas #Destroys Thousands of #Acres of #Solar-Farms
A hailstorm hammered thousands of solar panels at a Fort Bend County farm with emergency crews investigating, and neighbors worried whether any chemicals were leaking.
Large solar farm panels are commonly made of compound cadmium telluride - most home panels are made with silicon and don't contain dangerous chemicals.
No doubt the taxpayer will pick up the tab for damage.


US-Wahlkampf: Migration als Topthema

US-Wahlkampf - Migration als Topthema

Um im US-Wahlkampf zu punkten, haben Präsident Biden und Herausforderer Trump die US-Südgrenze besucht. Trump schürt die Angst vor Migranten, blockiert Gesetze.#EINWANDERUNG #US-Wahlkampf #BIDEN #TRUMP #Grenzsicherung #USA #Mexiko #Texas
US-Wahlkampf: Migration als Topthema



PFLAG National Asks Court to Block the #Texas Attorney General’s Latest Targeting of Texan Families with #Transgender Youth
National nonprofit and its lawyers argue the Office is abusing its power with broad and intrusive demand for organizational records
Affiliate: ACLU of Texas
February 29, 2024

..."On February 9, PFLAG National—which has eighteen chapters in Texas—received civil demands from the Attorney General’s Office to turn over documents, communications, and information related to PFLAG National and the organization’s work helping families with transgender adolescents. PFLAG National is a plaintiff in two lawsuits filed against restrictions on gender-affirming medical care for adolescents in Texas: one lawsuit Loe v. Texas, challenging SB 14, the state’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors, and PFLAG v. Abbott, challenging the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services’ rule mandating investigations of parents who work with medical professionals to provide their adolescent transgender children with medically necessary healthcare.

Today, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and Transgender Law Center filed a separate lawsuit on behalf of PFLAG National in Travis County District Court requesting a temporary restraining order against the Attorney General’s investigative demands on the grounds the Attorney General’s Office is acting outside its authority, attempting to subvert the discovery process in the separate lawsuits challenging SB 14 and the DFPS Rule, and seeking to violate PFLAG’s and its members’ constitutional free speech and association rights, as well as the right to be free from unconstitutional searches and seizures."...