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Our #birth nakshatra and Lagna #nakshatra have a profound effect on our life, it indicates our nature, our body structure, and the direction and choice of our life.

As the first star in the cycle of the nakshatras, #Ashwini carries the energy of beginnings. Those born under Ashwini hold the ability to initiate or pioneer ideas and activities. They must be cautious not to begin something they cannot finish.

#AshwiniKumaras is symbolic of golden armored horse-headed twins. Just like a horse, the natives possess power, strength, dignity, swiftness, and courage, and are also endowed with vitality and initiativeness. These untamed horses are least likely to tell what needs to be done and always focus on self-improvement.

Very few of you would know that they are the physicians of God, the friends of the sick and unfortunate. With Ketu, the south node as the governor of Ashwini Nakshatra, this constellation reflects the dynamism of Ketu.

Ashwini Nakshatra Lord: #Ketu Ashwini Nakshatra Symbol: Horseman

Ashwini Nakshatra Deity: Ashvini Kumaras, the physicians of the heavenly gods

Ashwini Nakshatra #Shakti: (power to/of…) Quickly achieving things

Ashwini Nakshatra Caste: Vyshya Ashwini Nakshatra Nature: The light (Lagu)

Ashwini Nakshatra Gana: Dev gana(God-like)

Ashwini Nakshatra Body VarahaMihira: Knees

Ashwini Nakshatra Body Parashara: Head

Ashwini Nakshatra Rashi/Zodiac: Aries sign (Mesha)

Ashwini Nakshatra Marriage: Not auspicious

Ashwini Nakshatra Translation: Born of a female horse, or a horse-lady

Ashwini Nakshatra Controlling/Ruling Planet: Ketu

Ruling Deity of Ketu: Ganesha

Ashwini Nakshatra Number: 1

Ashwini Nakshatra Gender: Male

Ashwini Nakshatra Names Letter: chu, chae, cho, ia

Ashwini Nakshatra Lucky Stone: Cat’s Eye

Ashwini Nakshatra Lucky Color: Black

Ashwini Nakshatra Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 7, 9

Ashwini Nakshatra Dosh: #Vata

Ashwini Nakshatra Guna: #Sattwa

Ashwini Nakshatra Element: #Earth

Ashwini Nakshatra Bird Name: Wild #Eagle

Ashwini Nakshatra Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Horse (Ashwa)

Ashwini Nakshatra Tree: #Mushti

Ashwini Nakshatra falls in Aries, whose lord is Mars and what is the combination of Ketu and Mars in our chart, it has a great impact on our personality and our behavior patterns, as the nature of Mars is to take action without thinking or planning. To implement the work immediately, to be a little impulsive, such people are agile in work.

Favorable: Auspicious for Beginnings like Learning New Things, Laying Foundation, taking Medicines, Rejuvenation and Healing, Self/Physical Improvements, Brisk Thought/Action, Equestrian Activities, Buying/Selling, Travelling, Vehicle Repair, Wearing Jewellery/Clothes, Occultism, Law, Sacred Installations, Renaming
Unfavorable: Marriage, Conclusions, Emotional and Sexual Activity, Actions Requiring Patience, Intoxication


The word #Shravana translates to #hearing. Hence, ears are the symbol of this #nakshatra. The stars Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed, which form the head of the #Aquila, The #Eagle #constellation, also form Sharavana.
The star is 22nd in the series of 27 #Vedic #nakshatras and spans across Capricorn. Shravana is also said to be the #birth #star of the #goddess of #knowledge, #Saraswathi. Hence the natives possess immense knowledge and have good ears to music. They are also excellent listeners and quick learners.

Astrological Range: 280°00′ to 293°20′ Capricorn
Nakshatra Number: 22
Gender: #Male
Symbol: An ear, or three footprints in an uneven row, or a trident
Presiding Deity: #Vishnu — the All-Pervasive
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Moon
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Parvati
Shakti: Connection or Samhanana Shakti
Caste: Shoodra
Nature: The movable or ephemeral (Chara)
Gana: Deva Gana (God Like)
Body Varāhamihira: Ears
Body Parashara: Lower belly
Rashi/Zodiac: Capricorn sign
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: To hear
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Ju, Je, Jo, Gha
Lucky letters: K
Lucky Stone: Pearl
Lucky Color: Light Blue
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 2
Common Name of Associated Tree: Swallow Wort, Milk Weed, Erukku
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Calotropis Gigantean
Astronomical Name: Alpha Aquilae
Dosha: #Kapha
Guna: #Rajasaic
Element: #Air
Bird Name: #Francolin
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Monkey
Career: Professors, teachers, linguists, speech therapists, healers, comedians, musicians, language translators, radio operators, telecommunication engineers, geologists, psychologists, astrologers



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