

#chemtrails are #poison

Secret #Geo-engineering Experiments Exposed

Dive into the secretive world of #geoengineering and solar radiation management! Recently, a hidden project unfolded above San Francisco, sparking massive controversy. Once dismissed as conspiracy, these projects are now hailed by mainstream media as our final defence against climate change. But what’s the real story?

Funded by billionaires and shrouded in mystery, these initiatives promise to reshape our planet’s future. Are they our last hope or a dangerous gamble? Join us as we uncover the truth, explore potential disasters, and question the motives behind these earth-altering schemes. Watch now to decide: salvation or catastrophe? Subscribe for more truth-telling content!


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y1mCsSAipwM

New information has emerged that the COVID vaccine Pfizer distributed was not produced using the same process as the vaccine that was tested prior to gaining approval for distribution. Retired nurse instructor and popular YouTuber Dr. John Campbell speaks with sociologist Josh Guetzkow about the ramifications of this possible clinical trial a bait-and-switch.

Jimmy and guest Craig Jardula discuss the unwillingness of so many to face the increasingly obvious con job nearly every aspect of the COVID pandemic represented.

Shout out to the #people who #never wore a fear #mask, never social #distance, never #tested and obviously never took the #poison. You deserve to be recognized for #standing your #ground.


#ceylon #news

what is the #vitamin #psyop?
18.19 #health from tablets dose not exist
21.53 #supplements
22.56 #tampon #poison
23.36 tap vs bottled
24.36 what is causing insomnia
25.25 the #food pyramid
26.23 will the body heal its self
29.58 what cures cancer
30.29 stye remedy
31.51 #sun benefits
33.13 tensor rings
36.41 bug repellent
37.47 pine plant
39.05 pineapple peel tea
39.42 apples experiment
40.37 #cayane-pepper
41.52 charged water
42.45 cures
43.00 dandilion plantane sowthistle
43.54 #dandilion cures
47.30 alex jones before he was corrupted
49.01 #blood-pressure
49.49 Kyle Sicarius - #No #More #War - 7 - #Roots #Tribe


The Fake Science of Sugar

How #fat and #cholesterol were substituted for sugar and turned #Americans into an #unhealthy #herd of waddling #land-whales.

A doctor explains how the groundwork for the #FoodPyramid #nonsense and the encouragement to reduce #fat consumption and increase #carbohydrate #consumption of the 1990s was laid by the #corruption of #scientistry in the 1960s.

In 1967, a single scientific study revealed the true #culprit of the #diabetes and #heart-disease #epidemic was #sugar. NOT saturated fat or cholesterol. So why wasn’t this information made common knowledge? They covered it all up. The sugar industry knew the results of these studies would tank sales and cost them billions. So the #SugarResearchFoundation paid three #Harvard #scientists $65,000 each to “prove” sugar was harmless. The scientists were some of the most respected nutrition experts in the world. Dr. #FrederickStare was the chairman of Harvard’s Department of Nutrition. Dr. #MarkHegsted was a scientific advisor for the USDA. Dr. #RobertGandy was a pioneer in dietary research.

The scientists dismissed multiple long-term studies. The first study proved sugar caused deadly #arterial #plaques. This was ignored. Another showed heart disease skyrocketed on a #high-carb #diet. The scientists dismissed it, claiming “these diets are rarely consumed.” The consequences of this scientific manipulation are horrifying. The truth about sugar and its effects on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease remained in the dark for years. Well-meaning doctors prescribed their patients #low-fat, high-carb diets for decades. These #dietary suggestions are to blame for the #obesity #crisis in America.

The #USDA urged Americans to trade #butter for #margarine. Margarine is now accepted as an artery-clogging #poison. And another massive shift was to “healthy” low-fat foods loaded with hidden sugars. As a result, U.S sugar consumption tripled. So did #BigSugar profits. And not surprisingly, so did type 2 diabetes and blood sugar issues. In 1980, only 1 in 50 Americans had a blood sugar problem. Today, that number is up to 1 in 3. High blood sugar kills roughly 3.2 million people per year.

In other words, as with #immigration and #third-world #overpopulation, the seeds of the castastrophic crises we are experiencing across the West were planted in a very small period of time between 1960 and 1967.

During the mid-20th century, Borlaug led the introduction of these high-yielding varieties combined with modern agricultural production techniques to Mexico, Pakistan, and India. As a result, Mexico became a net exporter of wheat by 1963. Between 1965 and 1970, wheat yields nearly doubled in Pakistan and India, greatly improving the food security in those nations. These collective increases in yield have been labeled the Green Revolution, and Borlaug is often credited with saving over a billion people worldwide from starvation. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 in recognition of his contributions to world peace through increasing food supply.

Add the names of Frederick Stare, Mark Hegsted, and Robert Gandy to the infamous list that includes #NormanBorlaug, #PhilipHart, and #EmmanuelCellar of men whose objectives and actions contributed the most to the downfall of the West and its transformation into #ClownWorld.


L'alcool, un produit addictif dont le corps n'a pas besoin, qui déshydrate. Un poison.


-- À 10min09 : Il n'existe pas de consommation d'alcool sans risque :
#TheLancet 23.08.2018 - Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 : « L'alcool est dangereux, même à faible dose »

Tu comprends bien à quel point le #capitalisme est destructeur ? Et tu ne fais pas la relation avec le #marketing, la #publicité, des films, des "c'est une boisson pour un homme" et d'autres niaiseries de #lobbies qui se diffusent à travers les films et acteurs musclés ?
Et comment ne pas trouver suspect un "produit", qui est un #remède autant quand t'es triste, qu'un bienfait quand t'es heureux, surexcité et fais la fête, que quand tu veux te relaxer le soir en rentrant du boulot, ou même simplement "mettre en valeur" un bon repas ? Quel #médicament est capable de résoudre tout et son contraire ?
Tu crois vraiment à toutes ces conneries ?
Boire un verre, un seul c'est être #alcoolique. L' #Alcoolisme, c'est #boire de l'alcool, que ce soit dans de la #bière, du #vin, ou tout autre #alcool.
#Boire avec modération n'a aucun sens quand on parle d'un produit #addictif. C'est le principe d'une #drogue que de pousser à consommer #ToujoursPlus, à augmenter sans cesse la dose pour obtenir le même effet : chemin direct vers la #maladie.

Ce n'est pas un mois qu'il ne faut pas boire, et 11 où on consomme. C'est 11 mois et demi où on ne boit pas, et 15 jours max, où on s'autorise cette connerie. Ou rien. Tout simplement.

Dommage, aucune allusion à ce livre d' #AllenCarr sur comment maîtriser sa consommation d'alcool, qui est LE LIVRE à lire pour déconstruire le lavage de cerveau à propos de l'alcool ! Du même auteur, la même méthode pour arrêter la #cigarette, ou perdre du poids (sucre, produits industriels etc) T'inquiète, on ne te culpabilise pas, on ne te fait pas de leçon, genre "c'est mauvais pour ta santé" et blabla, tu le sais déjà, et ça ne te fait pas arrêter.

#France #Politique #DryJanuary #Sobriété #Écologie #Santé #Addiction #Drogue #Drogues #Lobby #Alcohol #Vigneron #Vignerons #Champagne #Bordeaux #Viticulture #Consommation #SurConsommation #Cancer #Macron #Président #Exemplarité #Poison