

ico #GrafX2 - The #ultimate 256-color #painting #program


GrafX2 is a #bitmap #paint program inspired by the #Amiga #programs ​#DeluxePaint and #Brilliance. Specialized in 256-color drawing, it includes a very large number of tools and effects that make it particularly suitable for pixel art, #game #graphics, and generally any detailed graphics painted with a mouse.

The program is mostly developed on #Haiku, #Linux and #Windows, but is also #portable on many other #platforms.



❝ Slate is a #bitmap #editor available for #Linux, Windows and Mac. With Slate, you can:
Edit #images directly
Use layers
Create seamless 2D tile sets
Preview sprite sheet #animations
#Slate was built for #pixel #art, and its goal is to simplify the creation of sprites and tile sets by offering a user-friendly, customisable interface.

Slate - Pixel Art Editor