

Beware of claims by marketers of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring watches

A wrist with a square faced smart watch, which is showing a blood glucose reading of 7.8 mmol/L
We still await an acceptable blood glucose monitoring watch, but this has not stopped some marketers from claiming their watches can be use “for reference purposes”.

This may not be a scientific test but does at least demonstrate how far out these watches can be, and that they in no way should be used really for blood glucose monitoring.

You get what you pay for, and some form of medical clearance is really what you want to use.

See https://youtu.be/sWadFt4vBtY?si=mRk2DsyxIa8HqJMV
#Blog, #bloodglucose, #health, #technology


Tidepool – open source diabetes software makes diabetes software more accessible, but also their employee handbooks and kanban boards

Tidepool’s diabetes management software is an open source platform, free for both clinicians and people impacted by diabetes. And, because the company is a non-profit, it also operates according to the transparency rules that govern 501(c)(3) organizations.

Tidepool has developed an ecosystem of products that integrate diabetes data from over 60 different insulin pumps, blood glucose meters, and continuous glucose monitors into a single, intuitive user interface. People with diabetes, their care teams, and clinicians can view and analyse data, then discuss potential treatment adjustments.

Tidepool’s employee handbook is available for others to use or even copy as a start for their own operations. Likewise, its kanban boards used to manage project tasks are publicly available. If someone in the diabetes or development community wanted to see what was happening in an upcoming sprint, they could dig in and follow a task from assessment and development, to review and testing, all the way through to approval and deployment.

See https://opensource.com/article/22/2/transparency-open-source-healthcare-software

#technology #health #opensource #diabetes #bloodglucose
#Blog, ##bloodglucose, ##diabetes, ##health, ##opensource, ##technology