

this morning i noticed that calibre wasn't able to back up new books into my ebook library any more. i hoped it was just a quirk in the DeDRM plugins that could be mended with a newer version. and so it was. with this version here instead of the older one (i still had 7.something) everything works as it should.

#calibre #ebooks

Release v10.0.9 (RC1 for 10.1.0) · noDRM/DeDRM_tools


Since quite a bit of code has changed, this is a beta / RC release before v10.1.0 is released. I don't expect there to be any new bugs, though.

Versions 10.0.4(s), 10.0.5(s) and 10.0.6(s) were rele...


Calibre eBook App Now Supports Audio ePubs and Custom Notes

Ubuntu style desktop screen with menu bar down the left side. In the middle is the Calibre app window, showing various icons along the top and fliters down the left side for author, languages, series, formats, ratings, news, tags, and identifiers
If Calibre, the popular open-source ebook manager, was a book itself it’d surely be a perennial bestseller, thanks to an exhaustive, multi-faceted feature set.

And in the latest Calibre 7 release, the feature set expands yet further. The latest version introduces a clutch of new capabilities to the manager’s existing roster of ebook conversion, syncing, reading, and editing options.

The standout addition in Calibre 7.0 is the ability to store notes linked to various book attributes within your Calibre library. You can stash notes related to authors, publishers, book series, and more so you can keep track of information relevant to you.

The notes are exactly what I’ve been needing to keep a chronological list of a specific author’s books, as he published them in a different order to that of the actual events. This is now allowing me to keep that reference on hand as I push the nest book through to my e-reader.

Calibre 7 also lets you attach “data” files relevant to a book with that book, and manage and access said data within the app. What kind of data? Well, that’s up to you, but it might be PDFs, web links, office documents/essays, images, etc.

These are really some substantial updates to the Calibre app.

See https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/12/calibre-ebook-manager-now-supports-audio-epub-notes
#Blog, #books, #calibre, #opensource, #reading, #technology


Quels outils utiliser pour générer des fichiers #EPUB pour des livres numériques ? C’est orienté #Linux (forcément) mais ça peut le faire aussi pour les autres systèmes. Des trois logiciels que j'ai testé, c'est l'extension pour #LibreOffice, #Writer2xhtml, qui s'en sort le mieux, ensuite #Calibre.


À compléter avec ce journal sur #LinuxFr où, dans les commentaires, le test a été aussi fait avec #Pandoc (qui ne s'en sort pas si bien en fait).
