

Okay, so... hiiii #podmin​s! While I'm not sure if anyone has actually tested it (I've gotten surprisingly little response [to my post asking for pre-release testing](diaspora://denschub@pod.geraspora.de/posts/fe5a84400a25013b183a268acd52edbf))...

I just released the first stable version, 1.0.0, of my #camo replacement, camo-rs.

It's been running super stable on Geraspora.de and Nerdpol.ch for a while now, so I'd be surprised if there's something significant broken. If you use it and you find a bug, report it. If you have a question, ask it. You know the drill.

(sneakily tagging this with #diaspora just so everyone running a pod sees this. :p)


Hey #podmin​s! Remember a week ago, when I asked y'all for input on Camo?

Well, the "and will not have a direct impact on anything" part was actually a lie, kinda? Over the last two weeks or so, I re-build #camo in... Rust. While I was no longer using the NodeJS version, the version I was using had a bit more memory consumption than I liked, and I wanted to change some things. Well, anyway.

The code is public at https://github.com/denschub/camo-rs, and there are instructions on how to use it. If you are an experienced podmin and want to help alpha-test it, give it a try! It's running on Geraspora, and it's fine so far, but you never know what kinds of hidden bugs are there. I plan on making this the "officially-suggested Camo for use in #diaspora*" at some point when there is a stable 1.0.0 release, but until then, we have a lot of testing to do. :)

Please file bugs in GitHub if you find anything. If you have a question or run into troubles setting it up, join me on Matrix in #camo-rs:schub.social, but if you don't use Matrix or you don't want to join a room, feel free to just file a GitHub issue with a question. I'll respond there as well.

Note that this project is considered early-alpha, and if you're not comfortable with testing things in our pod - that's absolutely fine! No podmin should feel forced to help with testing - I've already got a large'ish deployment myself to test things. Also, while the frontend is compatible with the original Camo (i.e. you don't need to change any diaspora* config or anything!), the configuration and the behavior are slightly different. Be sure to check the README.md and the linked other documentation files to avoid being caught off-guard by a difference!